





   masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, illustration, 1girl, solo, sitting, an extremcly delicate and beautiful, beautiful detailed sky, eautiful detailed eye, side blunt bangs, hairsbetweeneyes, close to viewer, breeze,Fying splashes,Fying petals, wind


(1) 描述描绘方法的文字,如水彩画或油画

(2) 描述外部特征、装饰品和随身物品的文字(也可以指定颜色和图案)

(3) 描述年龄、头发颜色、发型、头发长度、眼睛颜色、眼睛形状、面部表情、乳房大小和衣服的文字 

(4) 描述背景细节的文字 

(5) 还可以在提示中添加从头到脚的姿势的文字。

请在提示开头包括"masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, illustration, 1girl, solo"。请在您的回复中使用纯文本,不要使用""或换行符。提示可以使用danbooru标签。基于这些,请告诉我一个150元素的提示,它可以为以下主题生成插图。


Question template for AI prompt generation(v1.2)

        Suppose I use an AI that outputs an image when I enter a prompt. For example, here is an example of a prompt that produces a beautiful image of a girl standing in a gentle breeze.

「masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, illustration, 1girl, solo, sitting, an extremcly delicate and beautiful, beautiful detailed sky, eautiful detailed eye, side blunt bangs, hairsbetweeneyes, close to viewer, breeze,Fying splashes,Fying petals, wind」

The prompt requires the following elements.
(1) Words to describe the method of depiction, such as watercolor or oil painting
(2) Words to describe external features, ornaments and belongings (also specify colors and patterns)
(3) Words to describe age, hair color, hairstyle, hair length, eye color, eye shape, facial expression, breast size, and clothing
(4) Words to describe background details
(5) Words to direct the pose from head to toe can also be added to the prompt.

Be sure to include "masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, illustration, 1girl, solo," at the beginning of the prompt. Please use plain text in your response, no "" or line breaks.
Prompts may use danbooru tags. Based on these, please tell me a 150-element prompt that can generate illustrations for the following themes.


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