
[学习/中考]Assisted Essay - 当你尝试让ChatGPT帮你写“中考英语作文”?


A Present For You!

致谢:OpenAI / Microsoft


Tip: 本文中的范文难度会十分不同。一部分“文章”的难度绝对绝对不适合中考,请注意甄别。



Make home a happier place > The change of our school, etc.








参考词汇:人行道pavement 井盖 manhole cover

(1)词数:80 - 100词;




When l was on my way home from school, I noticed

Revised version(在本文中,指AI重写的文章):

Wednesday When I was on my way home from school, I noticed that it started raining. The pavement was filled with pedestrians, including students heading home and people finishing work for the day.

    However, my attention was drawn to a manhole cover on the sidewalk that was on the verge of breaking. To ensure everyone's safety, two boys stood beside the manhole cover, redirecting others to go around it. Their responsible act garnered expressions of gratitude from the passersby.

    Some kind individuals offered them umbrellas, while others dialed emergency services to report the damaged manhole cover. Witnessing their selflessness, I couldn't help but appreciate their genuine concern.

    In my opinion, their quick thinking and willingness to help exemplify the positive impact individuals can have on their community. It reminded me of the importance of looking out for one another and taking action when faced with potential dangers.


be drawn to (吸入,卷入)                  Heading home (回家,固定搭配)

on the verge of (接近于,濒临)    potential dangers (潜在危险)


verge – 边缘                                willingness – 心甘情愿

pedestrian – 行人,步行者          exemplify – 作为…的典范,举例说明

selflessness – 无私                     garnered – 收集,积累,获得

redirect - 使之改变方向/路线       gratitude – 感激之情,感谢


请你根据以下内容提示,以“The changes of our school”为题,为学校广播站英语专栏写一篇短文,介绍学校近年来发生的变化,并谈谈你的感想。








参考词汇: 校园 schoolyard 

开头已给出:The changes of our schoolDear classmates, it s my honor to talk about the changes in our school.

Revised version(在本文中,指AI重写的文章):

The Changes in Our School

Dear classmates, it is my honor to talk about the changes in our school.

In the past, our school only had a small playground and the library had old books with a limited selection. However, everything has undergone significant transformations.

After a long period of renovation, our school now boasts a much larger playground, allowing all students to engage in sports activities every day. Additionally, our library has been greatly improved. During lunchtime, students can enjoy reading in the bright and spacious reading room, surrounded by a wide variety of new books.

Furthermore, our school campus has been adorned with an abundance of trees, transforming it into a beautiful garden. The increased greenery has created a more pleasant and serene learning environment.

In conclusion, these improvements have greatly enhanced the atmosphere for acquiring knowledge in our school. I am truly grateful for these positive changes, as they have provided us with a more vibrant and conducive learning environment.



Provide sb. With sth.   (给…提供…)            truly grateful for   (真心感谢)

Surrounded by sth.           (被…环绕)       


renovation - 翻新       undergone - 经历       serene - 宁静

vibrant - 充满活力      abundance - 丰富       adorned - 装饰

conducive - 有利        boasts - 拥有              spacious – 宽敞 (的)

pleasant – 愉快                foster - 培养               genuine - 真正 (的)

(3): 注:本篇文章因难度过高,而参考范围有限。


英语课上,你们开展了一次以“What can we do to make home a happier place?”为主题的讨论,同学们说了自己的想法。请结合提示内容,再增加一条你自己的看法.

用英语写一篇短文,向校刊English Learning投稿。


(1)   多和家人在一起;

(2)   分享快乐和忧愁;

(3)   记得家庭成员的生日;

(4)   ……


(1)   词数:80~100个。

(2)   开头已给出,不计入总词数。

(3)   要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。

开头:In our English class, we had a discussion about what we can do to make home a happier place. We shared different ideas.

Revised Edition:

In our English class, we had a discussion about what we can do to make home a happier place. We shared different ideas.

In my opinion, there are several ways to make your home happier. Here are some suggestions to consider:

Firstly, prioritize spending time with your family members as much as possible. The key to happiness lies in being present and connected with your loved ones.

Secondly, remember to share both joy and sorrow with your family. Express your genuine emotions, whether they are positive or negative. Open communication fosters understanding and strengthens relationships.

Thirdly, make an effort to remember the birthdays of your family members. Celebrating their special day and showing them that you care will bring joy and make them feel appreciated.

Lastly, it is important to care for your family members. While respecting and supporting parents is a universal value, adapt your actions to the cultural context of your family. Small gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness go a long way in creating a harmonious home environment.

In conclusion, creating a happier home requires effort and consideration. By using your heart and treating your family members with kindness, you can build stronger bonds and cultivate a joyful atmosphere for everyone involved.


prioritize - 优先

positive - 积极    negative - 消极

universal value - 普世价值    sorrow - 忧愁

genuine - 真正的    bonds - 羁绊

cultivate - 培育,培养    atmosphere - 大气(这里指“氛围”)


lies in - 在于    make an effort to (do sth.) - 努力做某事


假如你是李华,你的好友 Ken的生日在五一劳动节那天,但是Ken的父母作为医务人员都要加班,无人陪伴他庆祝生日。请你结合以下要点写一封电子邮件,邀请Ken来你家为他庆祝生日并共度佳节。



活动安排:(1)制作草莓生日蛋糕;(2) 共享美味家宴; (3) 参加社区文化节并在社区观看电影;(4) 去体育场练习打排球。


要求:(1) 词数:80~100个。(2) 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数(3) 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。

Dear Ken,

The May Day holiday is coming and I would like to

Hope you can come!

Revised Version:

Dear Ken,

The May Day holiday is approaching, and I would like to invite you to my house to celebrate your birthday and enjoy the holiday together. Even though your parents will be working, we can still make it a special day just for you.

On Saturday, May 1st, at 10:00 AM, we can start by making a delicious strawberry birthday cake. I have been practicing my baking skills, so it will be a treat! After that, we can enjoy a scrumptious (i.e., delicious) home-cooked feast (i.e., meal) prepared by my parents.

In the afternoon, let's join the community cultural festival and catch a movie at the local theater. It will be a fun and entertaining way to celebrate your birthday.

No matter how busy your parents are, we want to make sure you have a memorable birthday celebration. So please don't feel sad and come join us, we are looking forward to celebrating with you!

Hope you can come!



Scrumptious - 美味

Feast – 盛宴        



catch a movie – 看电影 (固定搭配)   

treat – 在这里指“款待”




2.开头已给出,不计人总词数。提示词:支教教师 volunteer teacher交换、交流exchange

风土人情 local conditions and customs





Revised Version:

Li Ming’s Requirements

Dear Wang Hua,

    How are you? Last Sunday, I received your letter, and I was thrilled to hear from you.

    In your letter, I learned that your sister has been volunteering as a teacher in an undeveloped area for over two years. I admire her dedication and the impact she is making in the lives of those students.

I have a request: could you ask your sister if she can introduce me to some of her students? I would like to send them some books as a gesture of support and encouragement.

    Furthermore, I would love to correspond (contract) with them through letters. We can exchange our learning experiences, share our hobbies and interests, and learn more about their local conditions and customs.

I believe that volunteer work is of great importance. I am proud of her and the difference she is making in the lives of those students.

    I eagerly await (can’t wait) your response and hope to hear from you soon.


eagerly – 急切地                               correspond – 通信

gestures – 象征, 姿态                        dedication – 奉献

thrilled – 激动, 兴奋, 高兴                       admire – 钦佩



eagerly await – 热切期盼                   












(3)要点齐全,语句通顺、意思连贯。参考词汇:对.....感激 be grateful to somebody


Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all please allow me to thank you for giving me a chance to speak here. As we all know, Mr. Wang

Revised Version:

A Farewell to Mr. Wang

We all know Mr. Wang, who is from Tianjin and has been teaching English at our school for the past three years.

    Over the past times, Mr. Wang has been a great teacher to us. He insists both friendly and strict, pushing us to do our best. We are grateful to him for his hard work and dedication (contribution).

    We have learned a lot from Mr. Wang over the years, not just English but also important life lessons. We appreciate his guidance (teaches) and support.

    Next week, Mr. Wang will be leaving our school and returning to Tianjin. We would like to express our gratitude (appreciation) and wish he will be able to have a safe journey.



guidance – 指导                            gratitude – 感激

dedication – 奉献


















Li Hua is my classmate. I'm glad to see great changes happening to him now. One year

ago, he came to my class.



I am very proud of my class. Everyone helps each other and all of us develop quite well.

Revised Version:

A Change of Li Hua

Li Hua is my classmate. I'm glad to see great changes happening to him now. One year ago, he came to my class.

Previously, he had no friends and lacked interest in his studies. At times, he struggled to behave in class.

However, with the help of teachers and classmates, he became more engaged. He actively participated in school clubs and activities, which boosted his enthusiasm (Heat) for learning.

 Now, Li Hua has made significant progress in his studies and developed a love for reading. He has also become more disciplined and well-behaved in class. Furthermore, He enjoyed music right now, nowadays we often chat about jazz and Rock n’ Roll!

We are proud of his transformation, and it inspires us all to grow together.

I am very proud of my class. Everyone helps each other and all of us develop quite well.


discipline – 纪律                                 engaged – 忙于;从事于

transformation – 转变                             enthusiasm – 热情

boost – 提高                                      struggled – 挣扎



well-behaved – 举止得体的


(8 - 10)

Revised Version:

A Reply Letter

Dear Zhenzhen, I'm glad to hear from you.

Thank you so much for sending the picture album of your hometown. These views and sights are so amazing.

    As for my summer vacation, I'm planning to go on a trip with my parents and enjoy the beauty of nature. We're thinking of visiting the nearby mountains and lakes. It will be a great opportunity to relax and appreciate the natural wonders.

    How have you been? I hope everything is going well. I miss our time together at the summer camp and hope you can visit Tianjin again. It would be wonderful to catch up and explore more of our city.

    Bye for now.

    Li Hua


Revised Version:

A Story of Li Hua

Last Friday, Li Hua, my classmate, was walking home after school. The road was crowded with vehicles. He noticed an elderly lady sitting outside a shop, looking pale.

    Then, Li Hua approached her and asked if she was okay. He gave her a bottle of water. After a while, she soon felt better and thanked Li Hua as well.

    People around praised Li Hua for his kind act. But for him, helping others is just something we should do without thinking too much. It comes naturally.

In my opinion, remember to help people in need, because small acts of kindness can make a big difference at some time.


Revised Version:

An Invitation Letter

Dear Tony, I'm glad to hear you'll come to Tianjin.

It's a city full of history and culture. When you arrive, we can explore the Five Avenues scenic area together, taking a carriage ride and enjoying the colorful flowers and different architectural styles.

    I'll also invite you to join our classes and take part in campus life exchange activities. On weekends, my friends and I will have a family party for you to taste traditional Tianjin foods. You'll love the flavors!

    I believe your visit to Tianjin will be an unforgettable experience. You'll have a chance to feel yourself in the rich culture of our city and create beautiful memories.

I can't wait to see you!

Li Hua







利用过渡词和短语:使用各种过渡词和短语,如"however"、"in addition"、"on the other hand"等,来引导和连接不同的句子和观点。















And More...

Here are some suggestions for the previous version of the passage:


Use a more engaging and attention-grabbing opening sentence to captivate the readers' interest. For example: "Step into the remarkable journey of our school's transformation!"

Instead of starting each paragraph with "In the past" and "However," try to vary the sentence structures for better flow and coherence.

Provide more specific details and examples to support the changes. For instance, mention the specific improvements made to the playground, such as new sports equipment or facilities.

Instead of simply stating that the library has changed, highlight the benefits of the new books and improved selection. Explain how it has enriched students' reading experiences and expanded their knowledge.

Add more vivid language and descriptive words to paint a clearer picture of the transformed school environment. Use sensory details to evoke the readers' imagination and create a stronger impact.

Consider incorporating transitional phrases to enhance the overall coherence and smoothness of the passage. Examples of transitional phrases include "Furthermore," "Moreover," "Additionally," and "In conclusion."

Remember to keep the word count within the specified range and ensure that the content remains focused on the changes in the school and your reflections.


Creating a logical flow in your writing passages is crucial for ensuring coherence and clarity. Here are some tips to help you achieve a smooth and organized flow:


Start with an outline: Before you begin writing, create a clear outline that highlights the main points or arguments you want to address in your passage. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical progression of ideas.

Use transitional words and phrases: Transition words and phrases act as signposts that guide the reader through your writing. They establish connections between sentences and paragraphs, enhancing the flow. Examples include "however," "in addition," "on the other hand," "therefore," "moreover," and "consequently."

Maintain coherence within paragraphs: Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or topic. Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point, and then provide supporting details or examples. Ensure that the ideas within each paragraph are connected and logically follow one another.

Use logical order: Present your ideas in a logical order that makes sense to the reader. This could be in a chronological sequence, order of importance, cause and effect, or problem and solution. Consider the most effective and natural progression of ideas.

Provide smooth transitions between paragraphs: When moving from one paragraph to another, ensure a smooth transition to maintain the flow. Summarize the previous paragraph, establish a connection to the next topic, or use transitional phrases to create a seamless transition.

Revise and edit: After writing your passage, review it for coherence and logical flow. Check if the ideas progress logically and if the connections between sentences and paragraphs are clear. Make revisions as needed to improve the overall coherence and flow of the writing.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a logical flow in your writing that guides the reader through your ideas smoothly and effectively.


Tianjin, 2023 Summer


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