
(文章翻译)学生点评ChatGPT论文:课堂实验(Jonathan S. Jones)


“Students Critique a ChatGPT Essay: A Classroom Experiment,” Perspectives Daily, American Historical Association, September 7, 2023

Historians today find ourselves on the bleeding edge of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. It feels like generative AI is everywhere these days, even in places where it’s not welcome. Chatbots like Open AI’s ChatGPT have made disruptive appearances in law, real estate, Hollywood, and of course the classroom, offering up simultaneous promise and peril. While Bill Gates described AI as the “most important tech advance in decades,” many tech visionaries (including Gates), AI developers, and even the White House have called urgently for guardrails on AI’s breakneck development.

          历史学家们发现自己正处于人工智能(AI)革命的最前沿。如今,生成式人工智能似乎无处不在,甚至在一些不受关注的领域也是如此。像 Open AI 的 ChatGPT 这样的聊天机器人已经颠覆性地出现在法律、房地产、好莱坞,当然还有课堂上,这同时带来了希望和危险。虽然比尔·盖茨将人工智能描述为“这几十年来最重要的技术进步”,但许多技术远见者(包括盖茨)、人工智能开发者,甚至白宫都紧急呼吁对人工智能的飞速发展采取防护措施。

The meteoric rise of chatbots raises questions that, if left unanswered, put history educators in a bind. How can we meaningfully teach historical skills like writing and argumentation if our students can have ChatGPT draft an essay for them in seconds? And how can we assess our students’ understanding of course content if ChatGPT can conjure up instant answers to essay prompts with no learning required? Unsurprisingly, universities, departments, and individual instructors are in a mad scramble to formulate AI policies addressing these urgent questions.

     When I first encountered ChatGPT shortly after its November 2022 launch, I admittedly felt a knee-jerk impulse to ban it and forget about it. Like many of my colleagues, I was deeply worried about its potential for academic dishonesty (and I still am). But it was obvious that AI is here to stay. More importantly, as I practiced using ChatGPT, I realized that effective AI use is a learned skill, one today’s students desperately need to learn as chatbots proliferate. If we envision history courses as opportunities to teach the historian’s skill set, we would do well to incorporate new technology like AI into our courses. So, I decided to figure out how I could effectively use ChatGPT in the classroom for my students’ benefit.

         聊天机器人的迅速崛起引发了一些问题,如果这些问题得不到解答,历史教育工作者将会陷入困境。如果我们的学生能让 ChatGPT 在几秒钟内为他们起草一篇论文,我们又如何能有意义地教授写作和论证等历史技能呢?如果 ChatGPT 可以在不需要学习的情况下立即给出论文提示的答案,我们又该如何评估学生对课程内容的理解呢?毫不奇怪,大学、院系和教师个人都在疯狂地争相制定人工智能政策,以解决这些紧迫的问题。

          当我在 ChatGPT 于 2022 年 11 月发布后不久第一次接触到它时,我承认自己当时有一种冲动,那就是禁止它并忘掉它。和我的许多同事一样,我对它可能造成的学术不诚实深感忧虑(现在依然如此)。但很明显,人工智能将继续存在。更重要的是,当我练习使用 ChatGPT 时,我意识到有效使用人工智能是一门学问,随着聊天机器人的普及,当今的学生迫切需要学习这门技能。如果我们将历史课程视为教授历史学家技能的机会,那么我们就应该将人工智能等新技术融入我们的课程中。因此,我决定弄清楚如何在课堂上有效使用 ChatGPT,让我的学生受益。

Conversations with my students about the chatbot revealed their curiosity about both its uses and limitations. So, I created a classroom experiment to test ChatGPT’s ability to generate authentic, accurate historical essays. I chose to do this experiment live and in person in a spring 2023 upper-level undergraduate history course, but the exercise could also work as a take-home assignment. This particular class, Frederick Douglass’s America, familiarizes students with the life and times of the famous 19th-century abolitionist and introduces the historical research skills that students will need to complete an undergraduate capstone. As we were approaching the semester’s midpoint, I also designed the exercise as an opportunity for students to reflect on what they had learned about Douglass’s life thus far.

          在与学生讨论聊天机器人时,我发现他们对聊天机器人的用途和局限性都很好奇。因此,我创建了一个课堂实验来测试 ChatGPT 生成真实、准确的历史文章的能力。我选择在 2023 年春季的一门高年级本科历史课上进行现场实验,但这项练习也可以作为带回家的作业。这门名为《弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的美国》(Frederick Douglass's America)的课程,将会让学生熟悉这位 19 世纪著名废奴主义者的生平和时代,并介绍学生完成本科毕业论文所需的历史研究技能。由于学期即将过半,我还设计了这个练习,让学生有机会反思迄今为止所学到的有关道格拉斯生平的知识。



To that end, I asked ChatGPT to “write me an essay about Frederick Douglass and the Civil War.” The program generated a relevant, if basic, biographical sketch of Douglass without “hallucinating” any fake information, a notorious shortcoming of ChatGPT. The essay lacked an argument or references, but I didn’t ask for either, so no harm done. Then I graded the essay, which earned a D by my rubric.

          为此,我要求 ChatGPT“给我写一篇关于弗雷德里克·道格拉斯和内战(南北战争)的文章”。程序生成了一篇相关的道格拉斯基本传记,没有“幻化”任何虚假信息,这是 ChatGPT 众所周知的缺点。这篇文章缺乏论据或参考文献,但我并没有要求提供这两样东西,所以无伤大雅。然后我给作文打了分,按照我的评分标准,这篇作文得了 D。

Next, I shared the essay with students via Google Docs. (It can be read in full here, along with the lesson plan.) In groups, I asked them to read the essay and identify any sections that needed editing—additions, deletions, or revisions. For 20 minutes, students tackled this assignment in groups and focused on a theme of their choice: Douglass’s life under slavery, his wartime experiences, or his Reconstruction-era activism. Students added their responses in the document using comment bubbles.

          接下来,我通过谷歌文档(Google Docs)与学生们分享了这篇文章(文章地址:https://docs.google.com/document/d/110KzVV9GVfUYoOBUCAXJTjb6ZgGRfEWc/edit?pli=1)。我要求他们以小组为单位阅读文章,并找出需要编辑的部分进行添加、删除或修改。在 20 分钟的时间里,学生们以小组为单位完成了这项作业,并集中讨论了自己选择的主题:道格拉斯在奴隶制下的生活、他的战争经历或他在重建时期的活动。学生们在文档中使用注释功能添加他们的回答。

Finally, we debriefed. I asked students to describe a factual error they identified and an edit they made to correct or contextualize the essay. Then I asked students to reflect on their biggest takeaway.


This exercise was a smash hit, with terrific student engagement and clear payoffs. Students jumped at the chance to showcase the knowledge they had learned in class to fact-check the essay. Ultimately, they made a few deletions, some additions, and, most importantly, used their higher-order thinking skills to evaluate the essay and add much-needed context to its key points. For example, where ChatGPT matter-of-factly stated that Douglass was born in 1818, students observed that, like many enslaved African Americans, Douglass spent most of his life without knowing his birthdate. This and other legacies of slavery are all too often overlooked by chatbots, which lack contextualization and fine-tuned historical research skills.

          这项练习大受欢迎,学生参与度极高,收获明显。学生们抓住机会,展示他们在课堂上学到的知识,对文章进行事实核查。最终,他们删除了一些内容,增加了一些内容,更重要的是,他们运用高阶思维技能对文章进行了评估,并为文章的关键点添加了亟需的背景信息。例如,在 ChatGPT 实事求是地指出道格拉斯出生于 1818 年时,学生们注意到,与许多被奴役的非裔美国人一样,道格拉斯一生中的大部分时间都不知道自己的出生日期。聊天机器人往往忽略了这一点以及奴隶制的其他变量,因为它缺乏情境化和微调的历史研究技能。


Instead of merely regurgitating information on a midterm exam, students enjoyed probing the limits of what ChatGPT can realistically do—and not do—hopefully disincentivizing future academic misconduct. In their reflections during the debrief, students described how ChatGPT generates essays that seem human-produced and authoritative, but the significant factual errors and lack of analysis in its text often make a poor substitute for how students themselves have learned to write. They also sharpened their writing and editing skills in an engaging activity that felt more pragmatic than a midterm exam. 

          学生们不再只是在期中考试中反省信息,而是乐于探究 ChatGPT 实际可以做什么和不可以做什么的限制,希望能抑制未来的学术不端行为。在汇报反思中,学生们描述了 ChatGPT 如何生成看似人为制作且具有权威性的文章,但其文本中的重大事实错误和缺乏分析往往无法取代学生自己学习写作的方式。他们还在这一引人入胜的活动中磨练了写作和编辑技能,感觉比期中考试更实用。

I learned a lot from this exercise too, which can be adapted readily for a variety of course formats. I came away recognizing that if I had given into the initial impulse to ban ChatGPT, my students would have been robbed of a crucial learning experience to prepare for a world that is rapidly embracing AI. Instead, by incorporating the chatbot into the classroom, my students gained a better understanding of what AI can (and can’t) do, while also sharpening their historical skills and applying their content knowledge.

          我也从这个练习中学到了很多,它可以很容易地适用于各种课程形式。我认识到,如果我一开始冲动地禁止 ChatGPT,我的学生们就会失去一次重要的学习经历,无法为迎接人工智能快速发展的世界做好准备。相反,通过将聊天机器人融入课堂,我的学生们更好地理解了人工智能能做什么(不能做什么),同时也磨练了他们的历史技能,并整合其所学的内容。

After all, AI is not disappearing anytime soon, and our students are already using it. Many historians likewise have embraced digital literacy as one of the most essential skills we can teach students, but if educators bury our heads in the sand and attempt to ban AI from the classroom, crucial learning opportunities are lost. So why not bring AI into the classroom and harness its potential to reinforce historical skills and content?


原文作者:乔纳森·S·琼斯(Jonathan S. Jones),詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学的助理教授

您在这里可以找到他:X (formerly Twitter) @_jonathansjones


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