
CIMCAI intelligent port tally

  • 全球港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能领军者CIMCAI,世界首创港口岸边超级智能理货产品自动化AI验箱,AI自动化码头港口数字化港口。

  • 中集飞瞳CIMCAI领跑全球港口码头人工智能科技,领先集装箱箱况残损识别科技全方位提升港口码头效能。

  • 集装箱残损可能造成货物损坏,关系到码头和收货人利益。坏箱上船造成重复工作,坏箱溯源工作量大。

  • 闸口和岸边作为集装箱进出码头的交接区,需对进入码头的集装箱进行残损检查,以划定箱体残损责任方。

  • World port shipping AI/container AI leader CIMCAI, the world's first port shoreside super intelligent tally product automated AI container inspection, AI automated terminal port digital port.

  • CIMCAI leads the world in artificial intelligence technology of ports and terminals, leading the container damage identification technology to improve the efficiency of ports and terminals in all aspects.

  • The damaged container may cause damage to the goods, which is related to the interests of the terminal and the consignee. The loading of damaged cases on the ship causes repeated work, and the workload of tracing the source of damaged cases is large.

  • As the junction area for containers entering and leaving the terminal, the gate and the shore need to conduct damage inspection on the containers entering the terminal to delimit the responsible party for the damage of the containers.

  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳全球领先的成熟港口码头人工智能Ceaspectus™,

  • 岸边+堆场+闸口全自动化智能识别检测箱信息+箱况残损。

  • 先进产品完全基于视频流集装箱箱况验残,自动感知集装箱位置轨迹,

  • 视频流动态检测,箱况残损/集装箱信息全自动化识别检测录入。

  • CIMCAI's world-leading mature port terminal AI Ceaspectus ™,

  • Shore+yard+gate fully automatic intelligent identification detection container info+container damage.

  • Advanced products are completely based on video stream container condition detection, and automatically sense the container position track,

  • Dynamic detection of video stream, automatic identification, detection and entry of container damage/container information.

  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳自动化智能验箱减少人工干预,

  • 杜绝坏箱上船再下船重复工作,

  • 杜绝信息二次录入,节省港口码头坏箱溯源工作。

  • 精细化数字化精准港区集装箱管控,

  • 全自动化降低人力物力,全方位提升集装箱港口码头作业效率+准确度。

  • CIMCAI automatic intelligent containers damage detection reduces manual intervention,

  • and eliminates the repeated work of bad containers on and off the ship,

  • Eliminate the secondary entry of information and save the work of tracing the source of damaged containers at ports and terminals.

  • Refined, digital and precise container control in port areas,

  • Fully automated reduces manpower and material resources, and comprehensively improves the efficiency and accuracy of container port operations.

  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳全球领先的成熟港口码头人工智能Ceaspectus™,

  • 摄像头视频流动态感知集装箱进入摄像范围,

  • 领先AI科技没有地磅红外线等触发装置,

  • 长期维护成本低,自动感知集卡/集装箱,检测以集卡/集装箱做为一整体。

  • CIMCAI world-leading mature port terminal AI Ceaspectus ™,

  • The camera video stream dynamically perceives the container entering the camera range,

  • and the leading AI technology has no trigger device such as the weighbridge infrared ray,

  • Low long-term maintenance cost, automatic perception of the truck/container, and detection of the truck/container as a whole.

  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳全球领先的成熟港口码头人工智能Ceaspectus™,

  • 箱多面融合/整车人工智能检测。CIMCAI成熟人工智能ceaspectus™多维度检测检测,

  • 包括:各箱面变形BT/破损BR/破裂CK/锈洞CO/门坏BR/危标ML,

  • 包括集装箱残损的代码,位置,大小,出估价单。

  • CIMCAI world-leading mature port terminal AI Ceaspectus ™,

  • Realize container multi-surface fusion/vehicle AI detection. CIMCAI mature artificial intelligence ceaspectus ™ Multi-dimensional detection,

  • Including: deformation of each container surface BT/damage BR/crack CK/rust hole CO/door damage BR/dangerous goods sign ML,

  • Including the code, location, size, and delivery of the damaged container.

  • 全球港航人工智能AI独角兽 CIMCAI中集飞瞳,是全球应用最广,规模最大,最先进的港航人工智能高科技领军企业,全球集装箱人工智能领军者。中集飞瞳已完成全球两百万智能验箱,完成全球上亿次箱信息识别,产品在全球生产环境总运行时长超过700万小时。中集飞瞳致力智慧港口智能港口智慧码头/航运船公司智能化/智能铁路/无人化智能堆场/智慧海关/智慧工厂。中集飞瞳工业级成熟AI产品全球规模化应用,全球前三船公司和港口应用落地。

  • World port shipping AI/container AI leader CIMCAI, is the world's most widely used, largest and most advanced high-tech enterprise in port and shipping AI, and the global leader in container AI. CIMCAI has completed two million AI container inspection all over the world, and has completed hundreds of millions of container info identification worldwide. The total running time of the CIMCAI product in the global production environment exceeds 7 million hours. CIMCAI is committed to intelligent port terminals, intelligent shipping companies, smart railways, unmanned intelligent storage yards, smart customs and smart factories. CIMCAI industrial-grade mature AI products have been applied on a large scale globally, and the world's top three shipping companies and port terminals have applied in production environment.


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