
全球视野 | 当非营利使命和商业利益发生冲突时,OpenAI会如何应对?


原标题:全球视野 | 当非营利使命和商业利益发生冲突时,OpenAI会如何应对?






The recent chaos at OpenAI highlights the shortcomings of this hybrid structure. As a nonprofit, OpenAI was beholden to the whims of a board clearly prone to making rash decisions. When they removed a popular founder over unspecified differences, the inept board members nearly blew up a company valued at $80 billion. With so much money on the line, a profit-seeking entity’s management would probably never engage in such self-sabotaging behavior.


Competitive pressures may actually push OpenAI to develop AI more responsibly and safely. This is merely Adam Smith's “invisible hand” of the market at work, channeling self-interest toward collective benefit.


In fact, no company is purely profit-driven, nor should they be. While profits are paramount to survival in the competitive marketplace, they should always be pursued with a degree of social responsibility. What that means will of course vary from person to person and context to context. Still, profits act like a guardrail that prevents managers of organizations from over-indulging their passions. OpenAI’s strict reversal in recent weeks is a clear-cut example of this.


The embrace of capitalism and the pursuit of profits is not just a pragmatic choice to satisfy investors. It will make OpenAI better at achieving its mission of safe and responsible AI, by curtailing the worst excesses of those with power within the company. In a world where artificial intelligence may hold the key to our future, profit isn’t just good, it’s essential for ensuring progress stays on track and remains ethical.



作者:James Broughel(美国竞争企业协会高级研究员)



科学美国人/Scientific American

The Vichy France–rivaling collapse of this board and its intended nonprofit firewall, all unable to withstand the unfettered force of raw money power, revealed in the Altman saga where the AI revolution is headed—and it’s wherever the most rich and powerful people in tech want it to go.


While OpenAI remains a nonprofit organization, it’s proven entirely beholden to the forces of capitalism, forced to oust its entire board based on a decision that the potentates of Silicon Valley—men such as Khosla Ventures founder Vinod Khosla—didn’t like.

尽管OpenAI仍然是一个非营利组织,但它明显受制于资本主义的力量。硅谷的权贵们(如Kholsa Ventures创始人Vinod Khosla等人)不喜欢OpenAI的一个决定,因此它被迫赶走了整个董事会。

Whatever fantasies we may have had about the nonprofit structure of OpenAI have been eviscerated by the dread hand of capitalism. Worse still, we don’t actually know why Altman was fired, other than that it was a conflict between the for-profit and nonprofit sides of the company. Regardless, the result is that the largest artificial intelligence company in the world is—corporate structure be damned—controlled by venture capitalists and a multitrillion-dollar public tech company. The nonprofit board is entirely subordinate to Altman, who is subordinate to the financial interests that put him back in power, which can (and will) control his destiny in the same shadowy way that they reinstalled him.


The OpenAI debacle is a dark day for the Valley, where the rich and powerful used their might to crush those who won’t aggressively and recklessly pursue technological progress at all costs. Putting aside the drama and intrigue, this is a cautionary tale, and proof that the Valley’s elite only wants you to “Think different” if you’re thinking exactly like they are.



作者:ED ZITRON(美国一家科技和商业公共关系机构EZPR的CEO)


哈佛商业评论/Harvard Business Review

In mixing the for-profit and nonprofit models, OpenAI hoped for the best of both worlds. Instead, it got the worst of both and underscored the importance of best practices in management and governance.


The problem is that a novel governance model like the one they adopted is inherently less predictable. As one experienced CEO said to me, “The OpenAI governance structure is, for lack of a better word, weird. Weird systems inevitably yield weird results.” If AI “safety” was the goal, adopting a unique corporate structure that is far less well understood constitutes a major gamble, imperiling the existence of a momentous startup like OpenAI.


What happens now? Well, Altman is back as CEO — though he was left off the reconstituted board. All but one of the board members who ousted him are gone. But it’s unclear so far what if any governance improvements are coming. Especially with the recently heightened uncertainties, OpenAI would benefit from a more straightforward structure. Investors and employees would get the benefits of easier scaling, and those worried about AI safety would get a more stable, predictable arrangement. Regulators, too, would benefit from the predictability.


Unfortunately, major shifts in a startup’s operating or governance model are particularly perilous. Significant changes made as a startup scales risk wrecking the company. And that’s where OpenAI finds itself. It needs to limit its experimentation to AI research and products, and carefully adopt a more time-tested governance model. But getting from here to there will be fraught with difficulties. People, not engineering, are the hardest part.



作者:Noam Wasserman(纽约叶史瓦大学西·西姆斯商学院院长)


纽约时报/The New York Times

One of the nice things about OpenAI is that it was built on distrust. It began as a nonprofit research lab because its founders didn’t think artificial intelligence should be pioneered by commercial firms, which are driven overwhelmingly by the profit motive.


As it evolved, OpenAI turned into what you might call a fruitful contradiction: a for-profit company overseen by a nonprofit board with a corporate culture somewhere in between.


Many of the people at the company seem simultaneously motivated by the scientist’s desire to discover, the capitalist’s desire to ship product and the do-gooder’s desire to do this all safely.


A.I. is a field that has brilliant people painting wildly diverging but also persuasive portraits of where this is going. The venture capital investor Marc Andreessen emphasizes that it is going to change the world vastly for the better. The cognitive scientist Gary Marcus depicts an equally persuasive scenario about how all this could go wrong.


Nobody really knows who is right, but the researchers just keep plowing ahead. Their behavior reminds me of something Alan Turing wrote in 1950: “We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.”



作者:David Brooks(耶鲁大学教师、美国艺术与科学院成员)


快公司/Fast Company

What is also clear: Public institutions that prioritize the public good over short-term profits are desperately needed for the AI era.


History has shown that transformative technology created by the private sector needs to be balanced out by public option. Options should be serving needs not met by the wonderful (yet often one-dimensional) offerings of private players.


The same has been true in the internet era. Wikipedia emerged to ensure that the “sum of all human knowledge” was both created by and held in public hands as we digitized our society. The Linux and Apache foundations emerged to ensure that the core plumbing of the internet is owned and managed collectively. And the Mozilla Foundation was formed to ensure that the technology that runs the web was open to everyone, and not controlled by a single company.


The success of these organizations serves as a counterpoint to the narrative that emerged from the Open AI fracas last week: that nonprofits shouldn’t be trusted to create the technology that underpins our digital lives. As the examples of Wikipedia, Linux, and Mozilla show, this argument is just silly. Nonprofit public institutions have been a critical part of creating a vibrant, open, and innovative digital society.


All of this gives me hope that there is a deeper and longer story to be told than the one we heard the past few weeks. Yes, OpenAI’s nonprofit governance model failed—and OpenAI failed to become the public institution its founders envisaged. Regardless, we are still well on our way to building the public technology institutions we need for the AI era—institutions that will ensure AI truly serves humanity by acting as a complement and counterbalance to whatever the private players build.



作者:Mark Surman(Mozilla基金会主席,这是一家为支持和领导开放源代码项目而设立的一个非营利组织。)



Microsoft learns of Altman's firing "a minute" before the world does, Axios reports.



OpenAI releases statement that CEO Sam Altman will be leaving the company "after a deliberative review process by the board" and that Greg Brockman will be stepping down as chair.



Late that evening Brockman announces he is quitting the company.



Microsoft announces that it has hired Altman and Greg Brockman to lead a new research unit.



OpenAI announces another interim CEO — Twitch co-founder Emmett Shear.



The overwhelming majority of OpenAI's 700-plus employees sign an open letter urging the board to resign, saying they would quit if its members didn't.



Just after 10pm, OpenAI releases a statement that it has come to a "deal in principle" for Altman to return as CEO, with a new board chaired by former Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor.



OpenAI officially reinstates Altman as CEO and Brockman as president, says Microsoft will get a non-voting observer sat on the board.



Altman tells Axios the "highest priority" for the company's new board is exploring a range of changes to "improve the governance structure" — including whether OpenAI remains controlled by a non-profit entity.

奥特曼告诉Axios,公司新董事会的“重中之重”是探索一系列变革,以 “改善治理结构”,包括OpenAI是否继续由非营利实体控制。






Capped Profit Structure

capped adj. 封顶的;有上限的





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