

  • 人工智能企业CIMCAI成熟港航人工智能产品,自动化港口数字化港口智慧港航人工智能企业。

  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI,是全球第一家完成两百万次AI自动集装箱箱况检测,

  • 上亿次集装箱识别,生产环境运行超700万小时的人工智能企业。

  • CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的港航人工智能高科技企业。

  • CIMCAI成熟港航人工智能产品,飞瞳引擎AI集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,

  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • China's artificial intelligence enterprise CIMCAI is the world's leader in port and shipping AI, mature port and terminal AI products, and China's artificial intelligence enterprise automation port digital port and smart port and shipping.

  • CIMCAI, the world's No.1 container artificial intelligence enterprise, is the first to complete two million AI automatic container condition detection in the world,

  • AI enterprises that have identified containers for hundreds of millions of times and operated in production environment for more than 7 million hours.

  • CIMCAI is the most widely applied, largest and most advanced port and waterway AI high-tech enterprise in the world.

  • CIMCAI mature port and shipping AI products, CIMCAI ENGINE container detection cloud service more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,

  • Industrial-level mature port and shipping AI products are applied on a global scale, and the top three shipping companies and ports and terminals in the world are applied.

  • 飞瞳引擎集装箱人工智能云服务平台,集装箱箱号识别API免费,

  • 可通过API二次开发或小程序拍照使用,

  • 可二次开发应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路场站船公司堆场,

  • 实现云端集装箱信息识别/集装箱箱况残损检测/好坏箱检验,

  • 高检测率/高实时性/高泛化性/高鲁棒性。

  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ container artificial intelligence cloud service platform, container number identification API is free,

  • can be used through the secondary development of API or small program photography,

  • It can be developed and applied for the second time,

  • Realize cloud container information identification/container damage detection/good and bad container inspection,

  • High detection rate/high real-time/high generalization/high robustness.

  • CIMCAI全球首创ceaspectusT™岸边智能验箱产品,在港口装/卸船过程中AI动态感知箱位,

  • 全自动化完成箱况残损检验/箱信息/集卡信息识别。

  • CIMCAI全球首创ceaspectusT™岸边智能验箱产品,打造国际港航智能化标杆。

  • CIMCAI is the world's first ceaspectusT ™ Shore intelligent container inspection products, AI dynamic perception of container position during loading/unloading at the port,

  • Fully automatic completion of damage inspection of container condition/identification of container information/container information.

  • CIMCAI ceaspectusT ™  is the world's first shoreside intelligent container inspection products will build an intelligent benchmark for international ports and shipping.

  • 成熟港口人工智能闸口ceaspectusG™全球领先科技识别率99.95%以上,

  • ceaspectusG™在港口码头/堆场集卡进出闸过程中,完全基于摄像头视频流,

  • 集卡无需停顿高效过闸,没有地磅红外线等触发装置运行维护远低于触发性闸口,

  • 领先科技自动感知集卡经过/位置,全自动化完成箱况残损识别检验/箱息识别/集卡信息识别。

  • Mature port AI gate ceaspectusG ™ The recognition rate of global leading technology for core advantages is more than 99.95%,

  • ceaspectusG ™ In the process of entering and leaving the gate of the dock/storage yard, it is completely based on the video stream of the camera,

  • The truck does not need to stop and pass the gate efficiently, and there is no trigger device such as weighbridge infrared ray. The operation and maintenance are far lower than the trigger gate,

  • The leading technology automatically senses the passing/position of the container, and fully automates the identification and inspection of the container condition and damage/the identification of the container information/the identification of the container information.

  • CIMCAI全球领先新一代集装箱管理方案,手机小程序随时随地拍摄集装箱内/外视频,

  • 人工智能AI20秒左右完成箱况残损检测+箱信息识别,随时随地验箱,箱信息箱况报备,

  • 集装箱套箱。微信搜索:滴答验箱,进入小程序,手机小程序拍摄集装箱内/外视频,

  • 人工智能AI在20秒左右完成集装箱箱况残损检测+箱信息识别+估价单。

  • 人工智能AI识别检测为坏箱,返回损坏代码/部位/大小及对应集装箱残损图片。

  • CIMCAI is the world's leading new generation container management solution. Mobile phone applets can take videos inside and outside containers anytime and anywhere,

  • AI AI completes the damage detection of the container damage condition+information identification in about 20 seconds, checks the container at any time and anywhere, and reports the container information and damage condition for record,

  • Container set. WeChat search: click to check the container, enter the applet, and the mobile phone applet takes video inside/outside the container,

  • AI can complete the damage detection of container condition+identification of container information+valuation in about 20 seconds.

  • AI identifies and detects the damaged container, and returns the damaged code/location/size and the corresponding damaged image of the container.

  • 中国人工智能企业CIMCAI世界港航人工智能领军者,成熟港口码头人工智能产品,中国人工智能企业自动化港口数字化港口智慧港航。

  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI,是全球第一家完成两百万次AI自动集装箱箱况检测,

  • 上亿次集装箱识别,生产环境运行超700万小时的人工智能企业。

  • CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的港航人工智能高科技企业。

  • CIMCAI成熟港航人工智能产品,飞瞳引擎AI集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,

  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • China's artificial intelligence enterprise CIMCAI is the world's leader in port and shipping AI, mature port and terminal AI products, and China's artificial intelligence enterprise automation port digital port and smart port and shipping.

  • CIMCAI, the world's No.1 container artificial intelligence enterprise, is the first to complete two million AI automatic container condition detection in the world,

  • AI enterprises that have identified containers for hundreds of millions of times and operated in production environment for more than 7 million hours.

  • CIMCAI is the most widely applied, largest and most advanced port and waterway AI high-tech enterprise in the world.

  • CIMCAI mature port and shipping AI products, CIMCAI ENGINE container detection cloud service more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,

  • Industrial-level mature port and shipping AI products are applied on a global scale, and the top three shipping companies and ports and terminals in the world are applied.


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