
High-efficiency automatic port,AI digital smart port shipping

  • 人工智能企业CIMCAI世界港航人工智能领军者,成熟港口码头人工智能产品,自动化港口数字化港口智慧港航。

  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI,是全球第一家完成两百万次AI自动集装箱箱况检测,

  • 上亿次集装箱识别,生产环境运行超700万小时的人工智能企业。

  • CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的港航人工智能高科技企业。

  • CIMCAI成熟港航人工智能产品,飞瞳引擎AI集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,

  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • China's artificial intelligence enterprise CIMCAI is the world's leader in port and shipping AI, mature port and terminal AI products, and China's artificial intelligence enterprise automation port digital port and smart port and shipping.

  • CIMCAI, the world's No.1 container artificial intelligence enterprise, is the first to complete two million AI automatic container condition detection in the world,

  • AI enterprises that have identified containers for hundreds of millions of times and operated in production environment for more than 7 million hours.

  • CIMCAI is the most widely applied, largest and most advanced port and waterway AI high-tech enterprise in the world.

  • CIMCAI mature port and shipping AI products, CIMCAI ENGINE container detection cloud service more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,

  • Industrial-level mature port and shipping AI products are applied on a global scale, and the top three shipping companies and ports and terminals in the world are applied.

  • CIMCAI ENGINE™集装箱人工智能云服务平台,集装箱箱号识别API免费,

  • 可通过API二次开发或小程序拍照使用,

  • 可二次开发应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路场站船公司堆场,

  • 实现云端集装箱信息识别/集装箱箱况残损检测/好坏箱检验,

  • 高检测率/高实时性/高泛化性/高鲁棒性。

  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ container artificial intelligence cloud service platform, container number identification API is free,

  • can be used through the secondary development of API or small program photography,

  • It can be developed and applied for the second time,

  • Realize cloud container information identification/container damage detection/good and bad container inspection,

  • High detection rate/high real-time/high generalization/high robustness.

  • CIMCAI成熟ceaspectusT™超级智能理货产品,岸边智能验箱创新式在港口码头装卸船过程中,

  • 同时完成集装箱箱况残损识别检验/箱信息识别/集卡信息识别。

  • ceaspectusT™识别检测集装箱箱况残损包括:各箱面变形BT,破损BR,破裂CK,锈洞CO等。

  • 识别检测集装箱信息包括:箱号/箱型。识别检测集卡信息包括:作业号集卡号/箱空重/箱数/箱门方向。

  • CIMCAI super intelligent tally ceaspectusT ™ Product, intelligent container inspection on the shore innovatively,

  • At the same time, complete the identification and inspection of container damage/container information identification/container information identification.

  • ceaspectusT ™ The identification and detection of container damage includes: deformation BT of each container surface, damage BR, crack CK, rust hole CO, etc.

  • Identification and detection of container information includes: container number/container type. The identification and detection information of the container includes: job number, container number/empty weight/number of containers/direction of the container door.

  • CIMCAI成熟ceaspectusG™超级智能闸口,进出闸过程中箱信息/箱况残损/集卡信息全识别检测。

  • ceaspectusG™超级智能闸口独树一帜集装箱箱况残损识别,高识别率99.95%,

  • ceaspectusG™识别检测集装箱箱况残损包括:各箱面变形BT,破损BR,破裂CK,锈洞CO等。

  • 识别检测集装箱信息包括:箱号箱型/重量标识/危标有无/铅封有无/单双箱。

  • 集卡信息识别检测包括:车头车牌/半挂车车牌/作业号/空重车/小箱位置。

  • CIMCAI mature ceaspectusG ™ The super intelligent gate can fully identify and detect the container  information/container condition damage/container information in the process of entering and leaving the gate.

  • ceaspectusG ™ The super intelligent gate has its own unique container damage identification, with a high recognition rate of 99.95%,

  • ceaspectusG ™ The identification and detection of container damage includes: deformation BT of each container surface, damage BR, crack CK, rust hole CO, etc.

  • The identification and inspection of container information includes: container number, container type, weight identification, hazard identification, lead seal, single and double containers.

  • Identification and detection of truck information include: front license plate/semi-trailer license plate/operation number/empty and loaded vehicle/small container position.

  • CIMCAI成熟ceaspectusC™轮胎吊/轨道吊对位产品,精准轮胎吊/轨道吊对位检测,

  • 着箱一次成功,减少错位耗时。集装箱间偏差小于2厘米,

  • 箱列偏差小于7厘米,着箱成功率99%以上。减少错位,

  • 提升吊机着箱提箱/装卸箱作业效率。高鲁棒性,不受天气环境影响,

  • 适用白天黑夜/内集卡外集卡/轮胎吊轨道吊。

  • CIMCAI mature ceaspectusC ™ Tire crane/rail crane alignment products, accurate tire crane/rail crane alignment detection,

  • The container landing is successful at one time, reducing the time of dislocation. The deviation between containers is less than 2 cm,

  • The deviation of the container train is less than 7cm, and the success rate of landing is more than 99%. Reduce dislocation,

  • Improve the efficiency of crane lifting/unloading operation. High robustness, not affected by weather environment,

  • Applicable to day and night/inner and outer truck/tire crane rail crane.

  • CIMCAI成熟轮胎吊/轨道吊对位产品ceaspectusC™,精准对位检测,

  • 提升吊机着箱提箱/装卸箱作业效率。ceaspectusC™获取桥吊/轮胎吊实时视频流,

  • 高算力集群对视频流解析/人工智能运算推理,ceaspectusC™实时返回集卡号/贝位号/停位精度/停位百分比识别检测结果,

  • 到港口码头系统,港口码头系统确认装卸箱指令信息/停位准确无误后,

  • 发送放箱/提箱指令到轮胎吊/轨道吊,完成集装箱操作。

  • CIMCAI mature tire crane/rail crane alignment product ceaspectusC ™, Accurate alignment detection,

  • Improve the efficiency of crane lifting/unloading operation. ceaspectusC ™ Obtain real-time video stream of bridge crane/tire crane,

  • High computing power cluster for video stream analysis/AI computing inference, ceaspectusC ™ Real-time return of the identification and detection results of the collection card number/bay number/parking accuracy/parking percentage,

  • After arriving at the port terminal system, the port terminal system confirms that the loading and unloading instruction information/parking position is correct,

  • Send the loading/unloading instructions to the tire crane/rail crane to complete the container operation.

  • CIMCAI成熟海关空箱查验ceaspectusI™产品,智能化自动化箱内货物检查/跟踪,

  • 上传海关报备。人工智能检测判断工作人员是否完成开门验箱动作,

  • 球机摄像头箱内全角度高清晰度检测识别,检测箱内是否有货物,

  • 如有货物对集卡跟踪。实时识别检测集装箱箱号/箱型,上传到海关系统,

  • 通过API接口与海关系统交互, 上传集装箱箱号箱型及空箱查验信息,异常报警。

  • CIMCAI mature customs empty container inspection ceaspectusI ™ Products, intelligent automatic inspection/tracking of goods in the container ,

  • Upload to the customs for filing. Artificial intelligence detects and judges whether the staff has completed the action of opening the door and checking the container ,

  • Full-angle high-definition detection and identification in the camera container  of the ball machine to detect whether there are goods in the container ,

  • If there is any goods, track the truck. Real-time identification and detection of container number/type, upload to the customs system,

  • Interact with the customs system through the API interface, upload the container number, type and empty container inspection information, and give an abnormal alarm.

  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI,是全球规模领先应用范围领先,

  • 核心技术领先的港航AI企业,工业级高度成熟港航AI产品全球规模化应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • 全球港口航运人工智能集装箱人工智能独角兽CIMCAI,高度成熟港航/集装箱人工智能产品全球规模化落地,

  • CIMCAI ENGINE集装箱检测云服务全球4000企业用户,全球第一家完成250万次人工智能验箱,

  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万的AI企业,

  • 工业级高度成熟港航人工智能AI产品行业第一,产品与核心技术处于全球绝对顶尖水平。

  • 更多内容请您访问中集飞瞳(上海)科技有限公司官网 www.cimcai.com

  • Global port and shipping AI/container AI unicorn, CIMCAI is the world's leading scale and application range,

  • Port and shipping AI enterprises with leading core technology, industrial-grade and highly mature port and shipping AI products are applied on a global scale, and the top three shipping companies and port and terminal applications in the world are landed.

  • Global port and shipping AI container AI unicorn CIMCAI, highly mature port and shipping/container AI products are launched on a global scale,

  • CIMCAI ENGINE Container Detection Cloud serves 4000 enterprise users worldwide, and is the first in the world to complete 2.5 million times of AI container detection,

  • Hundreds of millions of cases of information are identified, and the cumulative operating time of the production environment exceeds 7 million AI enterprises,

  • Industrial-level and highly mature AI products for port and waterway are the first in the industry, and the products and core technologies are at the absolute top level in the world.

  • For more information, please visit CIMCAI official website www.cimcai.com.


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