
AI Smart shipping company product, container damage identify at

  • 世界港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,领先智能航运船公司集装箱管理产品ceaspectusS™

  • 全球规模化应用落地智能化航运,全球前三船公司认可验箱标准应用。

  • 全球港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,是全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,上亿次箱信息识别,

  • 生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的人工智能企业。全球港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,成熟港航人工智能核心技术及产品,

  • 实际港航生产环境减少40%船公司集装箱卡车无效空箱驳运,降低70%港口码头堆场翻箱率,

  • 节省70%人工,提升30%集装箱操作作业效率。

  • 全球港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,工业级成熟港航人工智能AI产品行业第一,

  • CIMCAI ENGINE集装箱检测云服务全球4000企业用户,成熟港航人工智能AI产品全球规模化落地应用,

  • 已在全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • AI Smart shipping company product, container damage identify at any time CIMCAI

  • The global scale application and landing of intelligent shipping, the world's top three shipping companies recognized the application of container inspection standards.

  • CIMCI, the global leader in artificial intelligence for ports and shipping, is the first company in the world to complete two million times of AI container inspection and hundreds of millions of container information identification,

  • AI enterprises whose production environment has run for more than 7 million hours. CIMCAI, the leading enterprise of artificial intelligence in the world, has mature core technologies and products of artificial intelligence in port and shipping,

  • The actual port and shipping production environment will reduce 40% of the invalid empty container lighterage of container trucks of shipping companies, and reduce 70% of the container turnover rate of the port and wharf yard,

  • Save 70% labor and improve 30% container operation efficiency.

  • CIMCAI, the global leader in artificial intelligence for ports and shipping, ranks first in the industry in the industrial mature AI products for ports and shipping,

  • CIMCAI ENGINE Container Detection Cloud serves 4000 enterprise users around the world, and mature AI products for ports and shipping have been applied on a global scale,

  • It has been applied to the world's top three shipping companies and ports and terminals.

  • CIMCAI打造全球领先智慧船公司集装箱管理产品ceaspectusS™全球规模应用,

  • 全球前三大船公司认可验箱标准应用落地。在进口仓库,堆场,出口仓库等关键节点检验集装箱箱况,

  • 集装箱信息+精确地点+箱况实时上报船公司,好箱迅速利用套箱,提升空流转效率,

  • 集卡重去重回效益最大化船公司集装箱信息化管理大幅提升,精细化集装箱管理。

  • CIMCAI builds the container management product ceaspectusS of the world's leading smart shipping company ™ Global scale application,

  • The container inspection standards approved by the world's top three shipping companies have been applied. Inspect the condition of containers at key nodes such as import warehouse, storage yard and export warehouse,

  • Container information+precise location+real-time reporting of container condition to the shipping company, and the good container can be quickly used to improve the efficiency of empty circulation,

  • The container information management of container companies has been greatly improved and the container management has been refined.

  • 智慧船公司集装箱管理产品ceaspectusS™通过AI进行集装箱的检验,

  • 通过CIMCAI全球顶尖人工智能AI智能算法对车辆图片分析获得验箱结果,

  • 加快在集装箱管理方面的。核心技术是运用深度学习,图像视频算法进图片分析行和判断,

  • 后台高效的对视频流进行读取,图像视频算法加以分析,快速得到结果,彻底解放人力。

  • Smart Ship Container Management Product ceaspectusS ™ Inspection of containers through AI,

  • The container inspection results are obtained through the analysis of vehicle images by CIMCI's world's top AI AI intelligent algorithm,

  • Accelerate the development of container management. The core technology is to use deep learning, image and video algorithms to analyze and judge images,

  • The background efficiently reads the video stream, analyzes the image and video algorithm, quickly obtains the results, and completely liberates human resources.

  • 全球港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,已完成全球250万AI集装箱箱况残损检测,

  • 已完成全球上亿次信息集装箱识别。全球生产环境产品累计运行时长超过700万+小时,

  • 港航人工智能AI产品高度成熟达到工业级。

  • 全球港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI推动港口航运产业向数字化,智能化,自动化方向发展。

  • CIMCI, a global leader in artificial intelligence for ports and shipping, has completed the damage detection of 2.5 million AI containers worldwide,

  • Information container identification has been completed for hundreds of millions of times worldwide. The cumulative running time of global production environment products exceeds 7 million+hours,

  • AI products of port and waterway are highly mature and reach industrial level.

  • CIMCI, the global leader of artificial intelligence in port and shipping, promotes the development of the port and shipping industry in the direction of digitalization, intelligence and automation.

  • 世界港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,领先智能航运船公司集装箱管理产品ceaspectusS™

  • 全球规模化应用落地智能化航运,全球前三船公司认可验箱标准应用。

  • 全球港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,是全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,上亿次箱信息识别,

  • 生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的人工智能企业。全球港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,成熟港航人工智能核心技术及产品,

  • 实际港航生产环境减少40%船公司集装箱卡车无效空箱驳运,降低70%港口码头堆场翻箱率,

  • 节省70%人工,提升30%集装箱操作作业效率。

  • 全球港航人工智能领军者企业CIMCAI,工业级成熟港航人工智能AI产品行业第一,

  • CIMCAI ENGINE集装箱检测云服务全球4000企业用户,成熟港航人工智能AI产品全球规模化落地应用,

  • 已在全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • CIMCAI, the world's leading enterprise of artificial intelligence in port and shipping, is the leading container management product of intelligent shipping company ceaspectusS ™

  • The global scale application and landing of intelligent shipping, the world's top three shipping companies recognized the application of container inspection standards.

  • CIMCI, the global leader in artificial intelligence for ports and shipping, is the first company in the world to complete two million times of AI container inspection and hundreds of millions of container information identification,

  • AI enterprises whose production environment has run for more than 7 million hours. CIMCAI, the leading enterprise of artificial intelligence in the world, has mature core technologies and products of artificial intelligence in port and shipping,

  • The actual port and shipping production environment will reduce 40% of the invalid empty container lighterage of container trucks of shipping companies, and reduce 70% of the container turnover rate of the port and wharf yard,

  • Save 70% labor and improve 30% container operation efficiency.

  • CIMCAI, the global leader in artificial intelligence for ports and shipping, ranks first in the industry in the industrial mature AI products for ports and shipping,

  • CIMCAI ENGINE Container Detection Cloud serves 4000 enterprise users around the world, and mature AI products for ports and shipping have been applied on a global scale,

  • It has been applied to the world's top three shipping companies and ports and terminals.

  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.

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