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  1. Cross-talks between gut microbiota and tobacco smoking: a two-sample Mendelian randomization study (肠道菌群与吸烟之间的相互作用:基于两个样本的Mendelian随机化研究)

  2. Association of Blood Urea Nitrogen with Cardiovascular Diseases and All-Cause Mortality in USA Adults: Results from NHANES 1999–2006 (血尿素氮与心血管疾病和全因死亡在美国成年人中的关联:来自NHANES 1999-2006的结果)

  3. Alcohol and the vasculature: a love-hate relationship (酒精与血管的关系:爱恨交织)

  4. Coffee Consumption and Prostate Cancer Risk: Results from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999–2010 and Mendelian Randomization Analyses (咖啡摄入与前列腺癌风险:来自1999-2010年全国健康与营养调查和Mendelian随机化分析的结果)

  5. Oxidative stress gene expression, DNA methylation, and gut microbiota interaction trigger Crohn’s disease: a multi-omics Mendelian randomization study (氧化应激基因表达、DNA甲基化和肠道菌群相互作用引发克罗恩病:一项多组学Mendelian随机化研究)

  6. Liver enzymes mediate the association between aldehydes co-exposure and hypertriglyceridemia (肝酶介导醛共暴露与高三酸甘油酯血症之间的关联)

  7. Real-time machine learning model to predict in-hospital cardiac arrest using heart rate variability in ICU (基于心率变异性的实时机器学习模型在重症监护室预测住院心脏骤停)

  8. Composite dietary antioxidant index associated with delayed biological aging: a population-based study (复合膳食抗氧化指数与延缓生物衰老的关联:一项基于人群的研究)

  9. Preeclampsia Prediction Using Machine Learning and Polygenic Risk Scores From Clinical and Genetic Risk Factors in Early and Late Pregnancies (利用机器学习和临床遗传风险因素的多基因风险评分预测早期和晚期妊娠子痫前期)

  10. Maternal exposure to black carbon and nitrogen dioxide during pregnancy and birth weight: Using machine-learning methods to achieve balance in inverse-probability weights (孕期母体暴露于黑碳和二氧化氮与出生体重:利用机器学习方法在倒概率权重中实现平衡)

  11. The age-related obesity paradigm: results from two large prospective cohort studies (与年龄相关的肥胖模式:来自两个大型前瞻性队列研究的结果)

  12. Predicting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Using Machine Learning Techniques: Multisite Retrospective Cohort Study (利用机器学习技术预测胎儿酒精谱系障碍:多中心回顾性队列研究)

  13. Chronic Diarrhea and Constipation Are More Common in Depressed Individuals (慢性腹泻和便秘在抑郁个体中更为常见)

  14. Association between probiotic, prebiotic, and yogurt consumption and chronic kidney disease: The NHANES 2010–2020 (益生菌、益生元和酸奶摄入与慢性肾脏疾病的关联:来自NHANES 2010-2020的研究)

  15. High density lipoprotein-cholesterol is inversely associated with blood eosinophil counts among asthmatic adults in the USA: NHANES 2011-2018 (高密度脂蛋白胆固醇与美国哮喘成年人血液嗜酸性粒细胞计数呈负相关:来自NHANES 2011-2018的研究)

  16. Associations of Serum Carotenoids With Risk of Cardiovascular Mortality Among Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: Results From NHANES (血清类胡萝卜素与2型糖尿病患者心血管死亡风险的关联:来自NHANES的研究结果)

  17. Triglyceride-glucose index, renal function and cardiovascular disease: a national cohort study (甘油三酯-葡萄糖指数、肾功能与心血管疾病的关联:一项国家队列研究)

  18. The association between cardiovascular health and depression: Results from the 2007–2020 NHANES (心血管健康与抑郁症的关联:来自2007-2020年NHANES的研究结果)

  19. Effects of heavy metal exposure on hypertension: A machine learning modeling approach (重金属暴露对高血压的影响:一种机器学习建模方法)

  20. L-shaped association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in individuals with osteoarthritis: results from the NHANES database prospective cohort study (血清25-羟基维生素D浓度与骨关节炎患者心血管和全因死亡率呈L型关联:来自NHANES数据库前瞻性队列研究的结果)

  21. Sustainable dietary patterns and all-cause mortality among US adults (可持续的膳食模式与美国成年人的全因死亡率)

  22. Serum HDL partially mediates the association between exposure to volatile organic compounds and kidney stones: A nationally representative cross-sectional study from NHANES (血清高密度脂蛋白部分介导了暴露于挥发性有机化合物与肾结石的关联:来自NHANES的全国代表性横断面研究)

  23. Whole egg consumption in relation to bone health of the US population: a cross-sectional study (全蛋消费与美国人群骨健康的关系:一项横断面研究)

  24. Association between Weight-Adjusted Waist Index and depressive symptoms: A nationally representative cross-sectional study from NHANES 2005 to 2018 (体重调整腰围指数与抑郁症状的关联:来自NHANES 2005至2018年的全国代表性横断面研究)

  25. Independent and combined associations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure and sleep disorders among adults in the U.S. adult population (多环芳烃暴露与美国成年人群中睡眠障碍的独立和联合关联)

  26. Serum HDL partially mediates the association between exposure to volatile organic compounds and kidney stones: A nationally representative cross-sectional study from NHANES (血清高密度脂蛋白(HDL)在挥发性有机化合物暴露与肾结石之间的关联中起部分中介作用:来自NHANES的代表性横断面研究)

  27. The association between lipid biomarkers and osteoarthritis based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and Mendelian randomization study (基于国家健康和营养调查及Mendelian随机化研究的脂质生物标志物与骨关节炎的关联)

  28. Association between the triglyceride-glucose index and impaired cardiovascular fitness in non-diabetic young population (甘油三酯-葡萄糖指数与非糖尿病年轻人心血管健康受损之间的关联)

  29. Normal Lung Function and Mortality in World Trade Center Responders and NHANES III Participants (世界贸易中心救援人员和NHANES III参与者的正常肺功能与死亡率)

  30. Predicting depression among rural and urban disabled elderly in China using a random forest classifier (使用随机森林分类器预测中国农村和城市残疾老年人的抑郁症)

  31. Association between resolved hepatitis B virus infection and femoral and spinal bone mineral density in American adults: A cross-sectional study (已解决的乙型肝炎病毒感染与美国成年人股骨和脊柱骨密度的关联:一项横断面研究)

  32. Association of 24-Hour Activity Pattern Phenotypes With Depression Symptoms and Cognitive Performance in Aging (24小时活动模式表型与老年人抑郁症症状和认知表现的关联)

  33. Physical activity reduces the role of blood cadmium on depression: A cross-sectional analysis with NHANES data (体育活动减轻了血液镉对抑郁症的作用:NHANES数据的横断面分析)

  34. Associations between sleep disturbance, inflammatory markers and depressive symptoms: Mediation analyses in a large NHANES community sample (睡眠障碍、炎症标志物和抑郁症症状之间的关联:在大规模NHANES社区样本中的中介分析)

  35. Serologic Immunity to Tetanus in the United States, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2015–2016 (美国人对破伤风的血清免疫力,国家健康和营养调查,2015-2016年)

  36. Association between the triglyceride-glucose index and impaired cardiovascular fitness in non-diabetic young population (甘油三酯-葡萄糖指数与非糖尿病年轻人心血管健康受损之间的关联)

  37. Association between dietary selenium intake and severe abdominal aortic calcification in the United States: A cross-sectional study (美国饮食硒摄入量与严重腹主动脉钙化的关联:横断面研究)

  38. Association of total and different food-derived advanced glycation end-products with risks of all-cause and cause-specific mortality (总体和不同食物来源的高级糖基化终产物与全因和特定原因死亡风险的关联)

  39. Relationship of dietary intake of food folate and synthetic folic acid intake from fortified foods with all-cause mortality in individuals with chronic kidney disease (慢性肾病患者的食物叶酸和强化食品合成叶酸摄入与全因死亡率的关系)

  40. The impact of an increased Fibrosis-4 index and the severity of hepatic steatosis on mortality in individuals living with diabetes (增加的纤维化-4指数和肝脂肪变性严重程度对糖尿病患者死亡率的影响)

  41. The association between the number of pregnancies and depressive symptoms: A population-based study (妊娠次数与抑郁症状之间的关联:基于人口的研究)

  42. An investigation of 3M Cordova, IL production worker's per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances biomonitoring results and mortality experience (对3M Cordova, IL生产工人的全氟和多氟烷基物质生物监测结果和死亡经历的调查)

  43. Association between different insulin resistance surrogates and all-cause mortality in patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension: NHANES longitudinal cohort study (不同胰岛素抵抗替代物与冠心病和高血压患者全因死亡率的关联:NHANES纵向队列研究)

  44. Environmental chemical exposure dynamics and machine learning-based prediction of diabetes mellitus (环境化学物暴露动态和基于机器学习的糖尿病预测)

  45. Exploring Recent Decreases in First Molar Sealants among US Children (探索美国儿童首次封闭物质密封剂的最近减少情况)

  46. Access to healthcare and depression severity in vulnerable groups in the US: NHANES 2013–2018 (美国易受伤害群体的医疗保健和抑郁症严重程度:NHANES 2013-2018)

  47. Association of the triglyceride-glucose index with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with cardiometabolic syndrome: A national cohort study (甘油三酯-葡萄糖指数与心血管代谢综合征患者全因和心血管死亡率的关联:全国队列研究)

  48. The association between vitamin K intake and dyslipidemia in US adults: The mediating effect of insulin resistance (美国成年人维生素K摄入与血脂异常的关联:胰岛素抵抗的中介作用)

  49. Association of dietary flavonoid intakes with prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases in adults (膳食类黄酮摄入与成年人慢性呼吸系统疾病患病率的关联)

  50. Blood lead levels and lung cancer mortality: An updated analysis of NHANES II and III (血铅水平与肺癌死亡率:NHANES II和III的更新分析)

# 翻译提示词,借助诺维AI# 按照26 Serum HDL partially mediates the association between exposure to volatile organic compounds and kidney stones  A nationally representative cross-sectional study from NHANES (血清高密度脂蛋白(HDL)在挥发性有机化合物暴露与肾结石之间的关联中起部分中介作用:来自NHANES的代表性横断面研究)这样的格式,翻译上述内容。





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