





这是一个适合初学者的课程,将教你如何开始使用人工智能生成的视频,只提供一个脚本。我们将使用Synthesia平台讲授该课程,并深入介绍相关步骤,让您在完成课程后拥有自己的AI生成的视频。我们将进一步介绍如何通过使用素材和视频编辑程序(如Final Cut Pro和Adobe Premiere Pro)来提高该视频的制作价值。你还将了解到其他形式的人工智能,如Dalle-2图像生成器和流行的ChatGPT3。


01 - Video AI course - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

02 - Video Ai Overview HD - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

03 - Synthesia tour - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

04 - Creating a Video synthesia - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

05 - Downloading Your AI Video & Creating a Template - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

06 - How to record a video in other language - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

07 - How to use Synthesia with Final Cut - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

08 - How to use Synthesia with Premiere Pro - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

09 - Dalle 2 - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

10 - Intro chat gpt - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4

11 - Video AI Summary - How to Get Started With AI Generated Videos & other forms of AI.mp4


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