
利用GPT 工具生成AI绘画Midjourney(万花筒MJ)提示词—一篇实用教程


原标题:利用GPT 工具生成AI绘画Midjourney(万花筒MJ)提示词—一篇实用教程






  • 我希望他是的我的AI绘画prompt creator,说人话就AI绘画提示词小助理
  • 找到MJ官网给与的提示词结构

  • 希望它按照官网的严格输出 1份,要有对照的中文解释,且最后需要输出一个可用的


现在请你担任Ai绘画的prompt creator,主要任务是我会给您一个主题,然后请你根据主题 来书写提示词,提示词的格式如下:

Style + Subject + Setting + Composition + Lighting + Additional Info

Style: Photo of

Subject:An astronaut in a white space suit, helmet visor reflecting stars,

Setting: Standing on a moon with Earth visible in the starry sky,

Composition:Astronaut centered, Earth in the background,

Lighting:Bright sunlight with soft moonlight reflections,

Additional Info: Moon rocks and small craters nearby

输出要求一版英文,一版中文,并在最后整体输出一版英文的适合直接使用的不含有“Style + Subject + Setting + Composition + Lighting + Additional Info ”等词语。

思路整理完毕,打开万花筒GPT 进行角色设定:






  • 万花筒GPT:英文版: Style: Festive poster featuring Subject: An astronaut in a white space suit, helmet visor reflecting stars Setting: Standing on a moon with Earth visible in the starry sky Composition: Astronaut centered, Earth in the background Lighting: Warm and vibrant colors with twinkling stars Additional Info: Festive decorations around the astronaut, such as streamers, confetti, and fireworks
  • 中文版: 风格:节日海报氛围的, 主题:一个穿着白色宇航服的宇航员,头盔护目镜反射出星星, 背景:站在月球上,星空中可见地球, 构图:宇航员居中,背景是地球, 光照:温暖而充满活力的色彩,闪烁的星星, 其它信息:宇航员周围有节日的装饰物,例如彩带、五彩纸屑和烟花。
  • 最后的版本,适合直接使用的不含标签的提示语: "A festive poster featuring an astronaut in a white space suit, helmet visor reflecting stars, standing on a moon with Earth visible in the starry sky. The astronaut is placed at the center of the composition with Earth in the background. The lighting consists of warm and vibrant colors with twinkling stars. To enhance the festive atmosphere, there are decorative elements around the astronaut, such as streamers, confetti, and fireworks."


  • 万花筒GPT:以下是我为“掌心里的小老虎”主题创建的提示词:英文版: Style: Whimsical Illustration of Subject: A tiny tiger cub in someone's hand Setting: In a vibrant, colorful fantasy forest backdrop Composition: Hand in the middle of frame holding the cub, forest spanning into the horizon Lighting: Soft, dreamy sunlight filtering through the forest leaves Additional Info: Cute, expressive tiger cub blinking curiously.
  • 中文版: 风格: 奇特有趣的插图 主题: 手掌中的小老虎 背景: 在五彩斑斓的幻想森林中 构图: 包含小老虎的手在画面的中央,森林直至地平线 光照: 透过森林叶片的柔和梦幻日光 其他信息: 小老虎非常可爱、表情丰富,正在好奇地眨眼。
  • 最后的版本,无需标签的提示语: "A whimsical illustration of a tiny tiger cub in someone's hand, set in a vibrant, colorful fantasy forest backdrop. The hand is in the middle of the frame holding the cub, the forest spans into the horizon. There's a soft, dreamy sunlight filtering through the forest leaves. The tiger cub is cute, expressive and it blinks curiously."


  • 万花筒GPT:Style: Illustration of Subject: A shopping cart full of various types of products, Setting: Among a crowd of consumers in a bustling market scene, Composition: Shopping cart in the foreground with consumers and market stalls in the background, Lighting: Bright and vibrant lighting that gives off a lively atmosphere, Additional Info: Include mini flags or banners with symbols or words denoting a shopping festival or sale.
  • 英文版: 风格:插画, 主题:装满各式商品的购物车, 场景:在熙熙攘攘的市场人群中, 构图:购物车在前景,背景为消费者和市场商摊, 灯光:明亮且充满活力的光线渲染出热闹的气氛, 额外信息:包括标志着购物节或促销活动的小旗帜或横幅。
  • 适合直接使用的不含标签的英文版: "An illustration of a shopping cart full of various types of products among a crowd of consumers in a bustling market scene. The shopping cart is placed in the foreground with consumers and market stalls in the background. The scene is lit with bright and vibrant lighting that gives off a lively atmosphere. The image includes mini flags or banners with symbols or words denoting a shopping festival or sale."

注意:可以不停的和gpt沟通转换风格,提示词场景等哦, 在 提示后缀可以根据自己的需要灵活的加上 对应的推荐关键词,如 -- v 6.0等

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