
Kochi博士:ChatGPT用于革兰氏染色结果的判读丨ESCMID Global 2024


Kochi博士:ChatGPT用于革兰氏染色结果的判读丨ESCMID Global 2024

编者按:传统的革兰氏染色、药物敏感性检测等微生物实验室方法仍需要依赖人工判定结果和生成报告,人工智能(AI)的引入有望进一步提高微生物学检测的效率和准确性。在近日举行的欧洲临床微生物学和感染病学会全球峰会(ESCMID Global 2024)上,印度班加罗尔圣玛莎医院临床微生物实验室主任Raksha Kochi博士报告了一项使用ChatGPT对革兰氏染色结果进行报告分析的研究,显示了积极的应用潜力。
图1. 3764份痰样本分离株的微生物分布(革兰染色)
图2. ChatGPT判读革兰染色结果的模型验证流程
Dr. Kochi:您好,非常感谢邀请我。我是圣玛莎医院实验室的负责人,同时也担任感染控制官员。我的研究主要集中在探索如何利用人工智能,特别是大型语言模型,来支持和提升临床微生物学领域,旨在提高实验室的诊断准确性和运营效率。
Infectious Disease Frontier: Welcome, Dr. Kochi, and thank you for joining us today. Could you introduce yourself and tell us about your research focus?
Dr. Kochi: Hello, thank you for having me. I am the head of the laboratory and also serve as the infection control officer at Saint Martha's Hospital. My research has been centered around exploring how AI, specifically large language models, can be leveraged to support and enhance the field of clinical microbiology, aiming to improve both diagnostic accuracy and operational efficiency within the lab.
Dr. Kochi:当然可以。我们的研究包括了对一年内约7000份痰样本革兰氏染色的广泛分析。我们感兴趣的是确定ChatGPT是否能改进我们微生物学实验室的报告流程。该研究采用定性评估框架来评估ChatGPT响应的准确性、临床相关性和全面性。我们的研究结果表明,尽管ChatGPT并不完美,但它确实提供了实质性的帮助,特别是在训练有素的人员短缺的环境中。通过改进我们向ChatGPT提出问题的方式——专注于综合解释而非简单的病原体鉴定——我们能够生成更详细和具有临床实用价值的报告。
Infectious Disease Frontier: Your recent study on the use of ChatGPT in the clinical interpretation of Gram stain reports has attracted significant attention. Could you outline the key findings of this study?
Dr. Kochi: Absolutely. Our research involved an extensive analysis of around 7,000 sputum sample Gram stains over the course of a year. We were interested in determining whether ChatGPT could improve the reporting process in our microbiology lab. The study employed a qualitative assessment framework to evaluate the accuracy, clinical relevance, and comprehensiveness of ChatGPT's responses. Our findings indicated that while ChatGPT is not perfect, it provides substantial assistance, particularly in environments where there is a shortage of trained personnel. By enhancing the way we formulate queries to ChatGPT—focusing on comprehensive interpretation rather than simple pathogen identification—we were able to produce more detailed and clinically useful reports.
Dr. Kochi:资源有限的环境通常面临样本量大和需要快速分析等挑战,这对现有工作人员来说可能不堪重负。传统方法通常只能产生基本数据,例如细胞和病原体类型,但缺乏可以指导后续临床决策的更深层次解释性见解。ChatGPT和类似的AI技术可以通过增强报告解释的深度和广度来填补这一空白。这种能力对于及时有效的患者护理至关重要,使得AI成为训练有素的人员可能不足的环境中的宝贵工具。
Infectious Disease Frontier: In what ways is ChatGPT especially beneficial in settings with limited resources?
Dr. Kochi: Resource-limited settings often face challenges such as high sample volumes and the need for rapid analysis, which can be overwhelming for the available staff. Traditional methods typically yield basic data, such as cell and pathogen type, but lack deeper interpretative insights that could inform subsequent clinical decisions. ChatGPT and similar AI technologies can fill this gap by enhancing the depth and breadth of report interpretations. This capability is crucial for timely and effective patient care, making AI an invaluable tool in such contexts where extensive trained personnel might not be available.
Dr. Kochi:展望未来,我们计划将人工智能的应用扩展到生成更全面的诊断报告,这些报告将整合各种实验室参数,如血液学和生物化学参数。我们的目标是采用一种与精准医疗原则相一致的整体患者护理方法。通过改进不同医学专业诊断报告的解释性方面,人工智能可以在完善以患者为中心的护理模式中发挥关键作用。我坚信,人工智能将继续扩大其在医学领域的影响力,提升诊断流程,并促进更加综合的医疗保健方法。
Infectious Disease Frontier: What are your plans for further research in this area? How do you envision the future role of AI in medicine?
Dr. Kochi: Looking forward, we aim to broaden our application of AI to generate more comprehensive diagnostic reports that integrate various laboratory parameters, such as those from hematology and biochemistry. Our goal is to adopt a holistic approach to patient care that aligns with the principles of precision medicine. By improving the interpretative aspects of diagnostic reports across different medical specialties, AI can play a pivotal role in refining patient-centered care models. I firmly believe that AI will continue to expand its influence in medicine, enhancing diagnostic processes and fostering a more integrated approach to healthcare.
Dr. Kochi:确实如此,也感谢您给我机会讨论我们的工作。能够站在技术和医疗保健不断发展的最前沿,令人感到兴奋。我期待着看到人工智能将如何进一步重塑我们的能力并改善医疗领域的结果。
Infectious Disease Frontier: Thank you, Dr. Kochi, for sharing your insights. It seems that AI holds great promise for transforming healthcare practices.
Dr. Kochi: Indeed, and thank you for the opportunity to discuss our work. It is exhilarating to be at the forefront of this evolving interface between technology and healthcare. I am eager to see how AI will further reshape our capabilities and improve outcomes in the medical field.
R. Kochi, et al.Old meets new: validating the clinical utility of ChatGPT in advancing Gram stain interpretations.ESCMID Global 2024,O0152

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