
Part 1高频话题Teachers


Part 1高频话题Teachers &Schools


◎ Education system教育体系


kindergarten/preschool (UK &US) 幼儿园,学前班

primary/elementary school小学

secondary school中学

university 大学


further education职业培训等课程 higher education学业进一步深造

college (注意英式和美式的区别)

public schools (England &Wales)=private school私立学校(在英国和威尔士)

subject 一门学科

course 一门 课

compulsory-optional/elective 必修-选修

◎常考问题—:Do/Did you like your high school?Why or why not?


test-taking techniques 应试技巧

rote learning 死记硬背

cramming for exams 死记硬背应付考试

pull all-nighters 熬通宵


extracurricular activities 课外活动

hands-on approach 实操性的方法

encourage thought and discussion 鼓励思考和讨论

◎常考问题二:Who was your favorite teacher at school?

回答这个问题时,同样可以用到上面的素材,来描述老师的教学方法。以下是有用的 句型:

·Unlike other teachers who…, she/he always …不像别的老师,她/他总是……

·She/He is one of the …I had ever met/you'll meet.她/他是我遇见的最……之一的老师

◎常考问题三:What are the qualities of a good teacher? · 词汇

be firm and fair 既严格又公平反义词:too lenient with students对学生太宽容 a sense of humor有幽默感

treat the students as equals 尊重学生

teach by example以身作则

a good role model 做好榜样

·Obligation 表示义务的句型

A good teacher has to/should …

A good teacher is supposed to …

◎ Exam practice


·Did you like your high school?

·Who was your favorite teacher at school?

·Are teachers in China very strict?

·What qualities should a good teacher have?

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