
《Quantum Break》recreate "stutter" effect part 6


Part 1~5 in video form:

I decide to do part6 in article form,because this part is a little heavy for actual implementation.

In previous parts,most techs can be done easily.But what matters the most,what influences the visual most,is the shape of "main wave".In videos,I implement main wave as a math formulated simple impluse like wave.Impluse wave exists in game,where some magor objects are "stuttering".But main wave is another type of wave.

I thought there were some magical parameters make the intial shape and difference along the cirlce direction.But no,only the sound intensity affects the wave,nothing more,not even"spread,rms..."showed in the video,that's kind of misleading.This image shows the real deal:

What's special about it is the generation of wave,by the "moving of the object".Although the video says a "fluid simulation",that's not the fancy particle fluid;that's a common interative water plane you would see in any tutorial.Then you put some meshes in the water plane,which water height just above knees.

Then,for each object,it has a "normal state" and a "frac state",I think it's done by some offline simluation,that you get an animation from normal to frac.Then,imagine a progress bar,as the slider for the animation.Certainly,when the slider slides,the mesh "moves",make a wave invoked by the shape of mesh.As you would guess,the "sound intensity" controls the slider.

So,the main wave is a water plane,actually influnced by every fractured object in the pool,driven by sound intensity.That's a cool idea both in concept and visualization.

I think the simulation can both be runtime or baked.Becase it's a 2D projection work,I think it's ok to do runtime,just like any wave plane in most games,and you can add player movement wave or player objects wave easily. Offline storage of big plane may get too big.Still,it all depends on actual scenario and optimization tech.

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