
书籍推荐 - 了解美国原住民历史的五本必读书


Five Essential Books For Understanding Native American History

Depict/Portray - 都是描绘的意思,D更偏客观事实描述,P更多是人物刻画/情感描写等,都是写作常用的词.

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, most histories of the United States either completely ignored Native Americans or depicted them as primitive and wild, as obstacles to European and white American settlement. In the second half of the twentieth century, mainstream histories began including Native Americans more seriously but usually portrayed them solely as victims, sadly doomed to fade with the rise of European colonies and the United States.


scholarship 后缀"-ship "一般用于构成名词,指事物的状态、条件、质量或职务,以及关系或等级。 通常把形容词或名词变成一个描述抽象概念或集体品质的词。常见的还有Friendship(友谊)Leadership(领导力)Citizenship(公民身份)Partnership(好搭档)等
Today, there is a new wave of scholarship that seeks to include Native Americans—and Native nations—as full participants in the long span of American history, which starts long before any Europeans came to the Americas and continues to the present and into the future. My book Native Nations: A Millenium in North America, is part of this trend. It takes a broad view of Native American history, from around the year 1000 to the present day. The books I suggest below go deeply into Native American history, and all are written by Native authors.

今天,在新的学术思潮下,美国原住民和原住民民族将被完整地纳入美国历史的长河中,在欧洲人到美洲之前,一直延续到现在及未来。我的书:A Millenium in North America(这本书没中文译名我就用原名不翻了, 另外其实是Millenium中间两个n, 原文就是错的要注意以下), 也进入了这种思潮的讨论中。这本书以广阔的视角介绍了从1000年前左右至今的美洲原住民历史。以下我推荐的这本书由原住民作者撰写,深入研究了美洲原住民的历史。

David Treuer, The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present

finalist - 进决赛圈的作品或选手。
National Book Award/美国国家图书奖 - 1950年设立,美国最有名的文学奖项之一,旨在表彰美国作家创作的优秀小说、非小说、诗歌、翻译文学和青少年文学作品。奖项由国家图书奖基金会主办。
overturns - 推翻

Wounded Knee Massacre/伤膝河大屠杀 - 1890.12.29南达科他州美国陆军第七骑兵团杀害了约 150 到 300 名拉科塔苏族男子、妇女和儿童。是美国原住民部落与美国政府之间紧张关系的结果,美国政府试图压制原住民的文化习俗,如 “鬼舞”(Ghost Dance)(一种政府担心会煽动叛乱的精神运动)。这次大屠杀标志着美国原住民武装反抗的终结,也是美国历史上最黑暗的事件之一,象征着美国原住民在西进扩张过程中遭受的残酷待遇。
Ojibwe - 奥吉布韦人是北美洲的土著民族,又称奇佩瓦人(Chippewa )或奥吉布韦人。 他们与奇佩瓦人和索尔特奥克斯(Saulteaux)人同属阿尼西纳贝格(Anishinaabeg)文化群体。

resilience - 弹性(物理);坚韧不拔(抽象品质)

astounding amount - 大量;还有什么Remarkable/Tremendous/Enormous/Substantial/Incredible/Significant/Vast/Impressive替换,都可用作程度副词,情感色彩稍有差别

A finalist for the National Book Award, The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee brilliantly overturns the assumption that Native American history ends with the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890, a date that past histories had pointed to as the end of Native Americans’ last stand against colonialism. Treuer, an Ojibwe scholar, teaches the reader an astounding amount of twentieth- and early twenty-first-century history through fascinating stories that reveal the resilience of Native America.

美国国家图书奖入围作品The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee完美地推翻了以1890年’伤膝河大屠杀’为美国原住民反抗殖民历史的介绍的假说。Treuer是一位奥吉布韦族学者,他通过引人入胜的故事向读者讲述了大量二十世纪和二十一世纪初的历史,揭示了美国原住民坚韧不拔的精神。

Ned Blackhawk, The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History

Eloquent - 和elaborate类似,Eloquent简洁有力的自我表达,条理清晰并由说服力,elaborate详细复杂并且具体,细节感满满

Chronology - 年表;年代学

Sweeping Synthesis - 综合而又全面,Sweeping这里是强化了Synthesis的综合性

Flashpoint - 一般指液体蒸发的临界温度,这里大概指的就是某个比较著名的历史节点,焦点

This eloquent and comprehensive book by a Yale history professor “rediscovers” the history of the United States and that of American Indians since the 1500s by showing that they are the same story. Blackhawk (Western Shoshone) follows the standard chronology of US history while detailing, era by era, how interactions between Native Americans and Europeans and their descendants in North America intersected with it. In this sweeping synthesis—which won a National Book Award—standard flashpoints of U.S. history take on new meaning.

这本由耶鲁大学历史学教授撰写的著作辩论性强且全面,"重新发现 "了美国历史和 15 世纪以来美国印第安人的历史其实是同一个故事。 Blackhawk (西部肖肖尼族)按照美国历史的标准年表,逐年详细地描述了北美原住民与欧洲人及其后裔之间的互动关系。 在这本获得美国国家图书奖的综合性著作中,美国历史上的热点事件被赋予了新的意义。

Brenda J. Child, Holding Our World Together: Ojibwe Women and the Survival of Community

Minnesota - 明尼苏达州,美国中北部
through the ages - 历年来;短语做时间状语,感觉应该挺好用的

Women rarely get their deserved place in history books, but sometimes a book, by focusing on women, can change how we see the whole history. Child, a University of Minnesota professor and a citizen of the Red Lake Ojibwe, tells how Ojibwe women shaped Native American life through the ages. As we learn their stories, we understand that women “held their world together” even as the forces of colonialism tried to destroy Native families and nations.


Philip J. Deloria, Indians in Unexpected Places

Counter - 反驳(观点)

Present image after image - 展现了一副又一副(形象的、具体的、丰富的、连续的场景或画面)


Automobiles - 汽车,经常被我认成摩托车(motocycle)... 

A professor at Harvard, Deloria (Yankton Dakota) wrote this book to directly counter the myth that Native Americans are people of the past rather than modern human beings, who have changed with the times, just like everyone else. He presents image after image of Native Americans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries doing the kinds of things that non-Natives at the time were insisting they couldn’t do: playing baseball, riding in automobiles, and singing opera.





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