


# 1

润色专家意见:“It is worth noting that recent studies tend to combine different methods (26%) to get EVs with higherurity at a relatively low cost.” A dummy subject generally serves as a grammatical filler. These sentences, which generally begin with “It” or “There,” should be rephrased to achieve tighter, concise writing.



1. “It” 作为虚拟主语


原句:It is worth noting that recent studies tend to combine different methods (26%) to get EVs with higherurity at a relatively low cost.

改写后:Recent studies indicate a trend toward combining methods (26%) to achieve higherurity EVs at a relatively low cost.

在这个例子中,“It”并不指代任何具体事物,而是引导了后面的内容。通过识别真正的主语(“Recent studies”),我们可以使句子更为直接和简洁。

2. “There” 作为虚拟主语


原句:There were many people standing in line.

改写后:Many people were standing in line.

在这一例句中,“There”并没有指代一个具体的位置,而是用来引入名词短语“many people standing in line”。通过将句子结构调整为主动语态,表达变得更加直接。


# 2

润色专家意见:“Notably, intranasal administration is a non-invasive route in which EVs can be transported to the brain through the trigeminal and olfactoryathways originating from the nasal cavity (Erdő et al., 2018).” Words such as surprisingly, interestingly, intriguingly, notably etc, are discouraged in academic writing as they tend to exaggerate results. Therefore, I have deleted this word.

译文: 诸如“surprisingly”、“interestingly”、“intriguingly”、“notably”等词汇在学术写作中不被提倡,因为它们往往会夸大结果。因此,我已删除这些词。




不建议:“Interestingly, the results showed a significant increase in performance.”

建议:“The results indicated a significant increase in performance.”



不建议:“Notably, the method was effective in reducing errors.”

建议:“The method demonstrated a 20% reduction in errors.”

3. 引用数据和证据:


不建议:“Surprisingly, many participants preferred the new treatment.”

建议:“A survey revealed that 75% of participants preferred the new treatment.”

# 3

润色专家意见:“Recently, novel EVs such as mitochondrial EVs (mitoEVs) were identified, which originate from distinct sources compared to those of other EVs” A comparative sentence is unclear if the structure is unbalanced. Use a balanced structure when writing such a sentence. One way to do this is by adding the missingreposition, sometimesreceded by aronoun (that/those). 来引导。



例句 1:

不平衡: The variation intensity for sample A is higher than sample B.

平衡: The variation intensity for sample A is higher than that for sample B.

例句 2:

不平衡: The results of experiment A are better than experiment B.

平衡: The results of experiment A are better than those of experiment B.

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