
ChatGPT嵌入微软必应,想象对Azure、Windows 的影响,与Edge、Cortana结合?


原标题:ChatGPT嵌入微软必应,想象对Azure、Windows 的影响,与Edge、Cortana结合?


与B2B可能性的相关场景想象,还包括:是否可以将ChatGPT整合进Windows、Office的应用和服务之中,甚至与其他AI功能比如Edge, and Cortana等结合?此外,几周前,Bing刚刚发布了一项图像AI应用。



以下是北京时间2023年1月4日 The Verge最新相关报道(AI翻译),作者为:Alex Castro。

据报道,微软计划推出一个使用ChatGPT来回答搜索问题的必应版本。据《The Information》报道,微软希望在3月底前推出这项新功能,以使必应在与谷歌的竞争中更具竞争力。


微软使用类似chatGPT的功能可以帮助必应与谷歌的知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)竞争,谷歌使用知识图谱提供即时答案,并定期从网络和用户反馈中更新。不过,如果微软雄心勃勃,它甚至可以走得更远,提供许多基于人工智能的新型功能。


去年,ChatGPT将对话式人工智能带入了主流,用户可以写诗、写大学论文、写代码,甚至可以节省工作时间。基于去年发布的大型语言模型GPT-3.5, ChatGPT凭借其在一系列主题中生成答案和看起来真实的文章的能力在网络上引起了轰动。但是,尽管有了这些技能,该系统仍然存在重大缺陷——包括种族偏见和倾向于将不正确的信息呈现为真实的事实。

甚至OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman也警告说:“现在依赖ChatGPT来做任何重要的事情都是错误的。”微软究竟计划如何将ChatGPT集成到必应中是很重要的,该公司可能会从beta测试和有限的集成开始,然后才能让所有必应用户使用。


微软与全球领先的人工智能公司之一OpenAI有着深厚的关系。这家总部位于雷德蒙德的科技巨头正在为必应添加一个由OpenAI的DALL-E 2驱动的人工智能文本到图像模型;2019年向OpenAI投资10亿美元;并获得了使用其文本生成器AI GPT-3的独家许可。目前尚不清楚后一笔交易将如何帮助传闻中的必应与ChatGPT的整合。

至少六年来,微软一直将未来押注在人工智能上,首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉在2016年接受the Verge采访时讨论了更智能应用程序和服务的重要性。同年,微软推出了“对话即平台”服务,押注基于聊天的界面将取代应用程序,成为我们使用互联网和查找信息的主要方式。看起来微软现在想要和ChatGPT一起在必应内部实现这一功能。

以下是报道原文:Microsoft is reportedly planning to launch a version of Bing that uses ChatGPT to answer search queries. The Information reports th at Microsoft hopes to launch the new feature before the end of March in a bid to make Bing more competitive with Google.

By using the technology behind ChatGPT — which is built by AI company OpenAI — Bing could provide more humanlike answers to questions instead of just links to information. Both Google and Bing already surface relevant information from links at the top of many search queries, but Google’s knowledge panels are particularly widespread when it comes to searching for information about people, places, organizations, and things.

Microsoft’s use of ChatGPT-like functionality could help Bing rival Google’s Knowledge Graph, a knowledge base that Google uses to serve up instant answers that are regularly updated from crawling the web and user feedback. If Microsoft is ambitious, though, it could even go much further, offering many new types of AI-based functionality.

ChatGPT has already made AI accessible

ChatGPT brought conversational AI to the mainstream last year, letting users create poems, compose college essays, write code, and even shave hours off their work. Based on GPT-3.5, a large language model released last year, ChatGPT has wowed the web with its ability to generate answers and authentic-looking essays across an array of topics. But for all its skills, the system still has major flaws — including racial biases and a tendency to present incorrect information as true fact.

Even OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has cautioned that “it’s a mistake to be relying on [ChatGPT] for anything important right now.” Exactly how Microsoft plans to integrate ChatGPT into Bing will be important, and it’s likely the company will start with beta tests and a limited amount of integration before it’s ready for all Bing users to take advantage of.

While ChatGPT could help Bing challenge Google’s dominance, Google has already said it won’t immediately launch its own rival because of “reputational risk.” Google reportedly cited bias and factuality issues with existing AI chatbots as a reason it’s not ready to replace search just yet. Google has been using various large AI language models to improve its search engine subtly for years, though.

Microsoft has a deep relationship with OpenAI, one of the world’s leading AI companies. The Redmond-based tech giant is adding an AI text-to-image model to Bing powered by OpenAI’s DALL-E 2; invested $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019; and has an exclusive license to use its text generator AI GPT-3. How this latter deal may help the rumored Bing integration of ChatGPT isn’t clear yet.

Microsoft has been betting its future on AI for at least six years, with CEO Satya Nadella discussing the importance of more intelligent apps and services in an interview with The Verge in 2016. In that same year, Microsoft launched its “conversation as a platform” offering, a bet on chat-based interfaces overtaking apps as our primary way of using the internet and finding information. It looks like together with ChatGPT, Microsoft now wants to try and make that a reality inside Bing.

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