
Mature AI product digital port automation terminal smart port sh

  • 中国上海人工智能企业CIMCAI中集飞瞳成熟产品运行超700万小时,

  • 世界第一完成250万次AI验箱上亿次箱识别,中国上海人工智能企业智慧港航。

  • CIMCAI高度成熟集装箱人工智能AI产品与人工智能科技处于全球顶尖水平,

  • CIMCAI是全球全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,

  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。

  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI成熟产品,

  • 飞瞳引擎AI集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,

  • 飞瞳单元AI照片视频识别检测终端已规模化量产,

  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,

  • 全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • CIMCAI Mature AI product digital port automation terminal smart port shipping, CIMCAI has operated for more than 7 million hours,

  • For the first time in the world, 2.5 million times of AI inspection and more than 100 million times of container identification have been completed.

  • CIMCAI highly mature container AI AI products and AI technology are at the top level in the world,

  • CIMCAI is the first company in the world to complete two million times of AI container inspection,

  • AI enterprises with hundreds of millions of cases of information identification and production environment running for more than 7 million hours.

  • The mature products of CIMCAI, the No.1 container AI enterprise in the world,

  • CIMCAI ENGINE AI Container Detection Cloud serves more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,

  • Ceaspectus UNIT AI photo video recognition and detection terminal has been mass produced,

  • Industrial-level mature port and waterway AI products have been launched and applied on a global scale,

  • The world's top three shipping companies and ports and terminals have been applied.

  • CIMCAI全球港航人工智能独角兽,是全球第一家完成250万次人工智能验箱,上亿次箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万的AI企业。CIMCAI工业级AI产品在全球港航生产环境规模化投入使用包括

  •    全球港口码头闸口

  •    全球港区堆场

  •    全球港口岸边

  •    港区安全生产

  •    全球船公司

  •    货运铁路站场/中心站

  •    智能堆场无人堆场

  •    智慧海关

  •    智能箱厂

  •    多式联运智能化

  • CIMCAI Global Port and Channel AI Unicorn is the first AI enterprise in the world to complete 2.5 million times of AI container inspection, hundreds of millions of box information identification, and the cumulative operation time of production environment exceeds 7 million. CIMCAI industrial grade AI products are put into use in a large-scale manner in the global port and shipping production environment, including

  • Global ports and wharfs

  • Global port yard

  • Global port shore

  • Safe production in port area

  • Global shipping companies

  • Freight railway station/central station

  • Intelligent yard unmanned yard

  • Smart Customs

  • Smart box factory

  • Intelligent multimodal transport

  • CIMCAI全球港航人工智能独角兽,是全球应用落地最广,最先进的港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能企业。

  • 飞瞳引擎AI集装箱识别检测云服务全球4000+企业用户智能铁路智能化港航,集装箱信息识别免费,正常集装箱箱识别率99.98%以上。

  • CIMCAI智能港口解决方案Ceaspectus™产品全球规模化应用,ceaspectusS™航运船公司智能化产品全球前三大船公司应用落地。

  • 首创ceaspectusT™岸边智能验箱产品,在港口装/卸船过程中AI动态感知箱位,

  • 全自动化完成箱况残损检验/箱信息/集卡信息识别。

  • 全球首创ceaspectusT™岸边智能验箱产品,打造国际港航智能化标杆。

  • 全球领先ceaspectusG™超级智能闸口,全自动化集卡进出闸口,箱况信息上报,

  • 集卡行进过程中动态感知识别检测,零接触。

  • CIMCAI Global Port and Shipping AI Unicorn is the most widely used and advanced port and shipping AI/container AI enterprise in the world.

  • CIMCAI ENGINE AI container identification and detection cloud service global 4000+enterprise users intelligent railway intelligent port and shipping, free container information identification, normal container identification rate of more than 99.98%.

  • CIMCAI Intelligent Port Solution Ceaspectus ™ Global scale application of products, ceaspectusS ™ The intelligent products of shipping companies are applied by the top three shipping companies in the world.

  • CeaspectusT ™ Shore intelligent container inspection products, AI dynamic perception of container position during loading/unloading at the port,

  • Fully automatic completion of damage inspection of container condition/identification of container information/container information.

  • The world's first ceaspectusT ™ The shoreside intelligent container inspection products will build an intelligent benchmark for international ports and shipping.

  • The world's leading ceaspectusG ™ Super intelligent gate, fully automatic truck entrance and exit, and case condition information reporting,

  • Dynamic perception recognition detection and zero contact during the process of truck movement.

  • CIMCAI全球领先新一代集装箱管理方案,手机小程序拍摄集装箱内/外视频,

  • 人工智能AI20秒左右完成箱况残损检测+箱信息识别,随时随地验箱,箱信息箱况报备,

  • 集装箱套箱。微信搜索:滴答验箱,进入小程序,手机小程序拍摄集装箱内/外视频,

  • 人工智能AI在20秒左右完成集装箱箱况残损检测+箱信息识别+估价单。

  • 人工智能AI识别检测为坏箱,返回损坏代码/部位/大小及对应集装箱残损图片。

  • CIMCAI is the world's leading new generation container management solution, and the mobile phone applet takes video inside and outside the container,

  • AI completes the damage detection and info identification of the container  in about 20 seconds, checks the container at any time and anywhere, and reports the container information and damage condition for record,

  • Container set. WeChat search: click to check the container, enter the applet, and the mobile phone applet takes video inside/outside the container,

  • AI can complete the damage detection of container condition+identification of container information+valuation in about 20 seconds.

  • AI identifies and detects the damaged container, and returns the damaged code/location/size and the corresponding damaged image of the container.

  • 中国上海人工智能企业CIMCAI中集飞瞳成熟产品运行超700万小时,

  • 世界第一完成250万次AI验箱上亿次箱识别,中国上海人工智能企业智慧港航。

  • CIMCAI高度成熟集装箱人工智能AI产品与人工智能科技处于全球顶尖水平,

  • CIMCAI是全球全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,

  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。

  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI成熟产品,

  • 飞瞳引擎AI集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,

  • 飞瞳单元AI照片视频识别检测终端已规模化量产,

  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,

  • 全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • 更多内容请您访问中集飞瞳(上海)科技有限公司官网 www.cimcai.com

  • The mature products of CIMCAI, an artificial intelligence enterprise in Shanghai, China, have operated for more than 7 million hours,

  • For the first time in the world, 2.5 million times of AI inspection and more than 100 million times of container identification have been completed.

  • CIMCAI highly mature container AI AI products and AI technology are at the top level in the world,

  • CIMCAI is the first company in the world to complete two million times of AI container inspection,

  • AI enterprises with hundreds of millions of cases of information identification and production environment running for more than 7 million hours.

  • The mature products of CIMCAI, the No.1 container AI enterprise in the world,

  • CIMCAI ENGINE AI Container Detection Cloud serves more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,

  • Ceaspectus UNIT AI photo video recognition and detection terminal has been mass produced,

  • Industrial-level mature port and waterway AI products have been launched and applied on a global scale,

  • The world's top three shipping companies and ports and terminals have been applied.

  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.


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