
【本周六上午12点线上会议】推测 GPT-4 新的视觉+文本模型结构、训练数据和训练成本



RSVP and see the zoom link if you want know know what OpenAI people possibly did in the new GPT-4, since all other paper readers (no offense) would have no clue since GPT-4's tech report did not mention a word about the new Vision+NLP model architecure, training data, and cost to train. 9 pm PDT this Friday. [Had been critizied for not sticking to the exact content during paper reading and talked too much about 'I think/guess' -- now I THINK/GUESS my time has finally come 😂 ] #gpt4 #openai #paperpresentation

请点击 https://www.meetup.com/speech-and-language-technology-meetup-group/events/292587691,RSVP 并查看 Zoom 链接,如果您想知道 OpenAI 的人在新的 GPT-4 中可能做了什么,因为所有其他的论文读者(无意冒犯)都不会知道 GPT-4 的技术报告没有提到关于新的 Vision+NLP 模型架构、训练数据和训练成本的任何字眼。本次讲座将于本本周六北京时间上午12点举行。[曾因不按照论文阅读内容而被批评,并谈论太多自己的猜测和想法,现在我想我的时机终于到了 😂] #gpt4 #openai #paperpresentation

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