




在学术研究领域,已有学生/学者利用ChatGPT写作业,写文章,应付考试,论文润色…尤其是在撰写医学研究摘要方面,表现颇佳,部分作品还甚至骗过了医学专家(真实的Human )…鉴于ChatGPT强大的功能,小编呢,今天就想知道,我文章写好了,ChatGPT能不能帮忙选择到合适的学术期刊…

以最新发表在Cell rep的1篇文章为例,提供题目和摘要给ChatGPT,希望ChatGPT帮忙选择影响因子在8-15分左右的10个期刊。

问ChatGPT:请根据英文文章题目“Network analysis of large-scale ImmGen and Tabula Muris datasets highlights metabolic diversity of tissue mononuclear phagocytes”和英文摘要“The diversity of mononuclear phagocyte (MNP) subpopulations across tissues is one of the key physiological characteristics of the immune system. Here, we focus on understanding the metabolic variability of MNPs through metabolic network analysis applied to three large-scale transcriptional datasets: we introduce (1) an ImmGen MNP open-source dataset of 337 samples across 26 tissues; (2) a myeloid subset of ImmGen Phase I dataset (202 MNP samples); and (3) a myeloid mouse single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) dataset (51,364 cells) assembled based on Tabula Muris Senis. To analyze such large-scale datasets, we develop a network-based computational approach, genes and metabolites (GAM) clustering, for unbiased identification of the key metabolic subnetworks based on transcriptional profiles. We define 9 metabolic subnetworks that encapsulate the metabolic differences within MNP from 38 different tissues. Obtained modules reveal that cholesterol synthesis appears particularly active within the migratory dendritic cells, while glutathione synthesis is essential for cysteinyl leukotriene production by peritoneal and lung macrophages.”,选择影响因子在8-15分左右的10个期刊。


我感觉这个结果不符合小编的要求,因为没有选到Cell reports,因此,小编再次限制严苛的条件:选择影响因子在10分左右的10个期刊这一次,ChatGPT选到了Cell Reports。


由此可见:ChatGPT,选刊能力还是不错的,第二次选到了目标期刊!!! 但是影响因子的跨度有点大!

By the Way:


还有,2023年发表《Radiology》发表的1篇文章“ChatGPT and the Future of Medical Writing”中,提及,还需要注意伦理问题(如作者身份、谁负责具体的内容以及内容的真实性及是否涉及抄袭)、涉及版权、是否遵守法规等法律问题、创新性(经数据训练得来,可能导致创新性缺乏)、准确性、偏倚、透明度的问题。

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