
CIMCAI world leading port ai shipping AI global leading artifici

  • 中国上海人工智能企业CIMCAI全球港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能领军者,成熟人工智能产品与全球顶尖水平AI科技,

  • 智慧港口数字化码头智能化航运。

  • CIMCAI成熟AI产品全球前三船公司及港口落地,包括全球港口/堆场智能闸口验箱,

  • 全球港口岸边卸/装船智能验箱,全球船公司集卡司机手机视频智能验箱报备/套箱/云堆场,

  • 全球铁路站场/中心站智能验箱录入,无人堆场及智慧海关。

  • 完成全球两百万AI集装箱箱况检验,上亿箱信息识别。

  • World port shipping AI/container AI leader CIMCAI, AI enterprise in Shanghai, China,

  • has mature AI products and the world's top AI technology,and smart port, digital terminal and intelligent shipping.

  • The world's top three shipping companies and ports of CIMCI's mature AI products have landed, including the global port/yard intelligent gate inspection,

  • Intelligent container inspection for global port shore unloading/loading, mobile phone video intelligent container inspection report for global shipping company truck driver/container set/cloud storage yard,

  • Intelligent container inspection entry at global railway stations/central stations, unmanned storage yards and smart customs.

  • Complete the inspection of the condition of two million AI containers worldwide and identify the information of hundreds of millions of containers.

  • 飞瞳引擎™人工智能集装箱识别云服务,集装箱信息识别API免费。

  • 可通过API二次开发或小程序直接使用,

  • 飞瞳引擎™全球超三千企业用户,应用人工智能全自动化降本检测。

  • 飞瞳引擎™可应用于包括全球集装箱枢纽,

  • 包括港口码头闸口,港口内堆场,港口岸边卸/装船,航运船公司,

  • 铁路站场/中心站,智能堆场/无人堆场,智慧海关,智能箱厂,多式联运枢纽。

  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ AI container identification cloud service,and the container information identification API is free.

  • It can be directly used through API secondary development or applet,

  • Flying pupil engine ™ More than 3000 enterprise users around the world apply artificial intelligence to fully automated cost reduction detection.

  • Flying pupil engine ™ It can be applied to global container hubs,

  • Including the port gate, the storage yard in the port, the port shore unloading/loading, the shipping company,

  • Railway yard/central station, intelligent yard/unmanned yard, intelligent customs, intelligent container factory, multimodal transport hub.

  • CIMCAI全球领先新一代集装箱管理智慧船公司产品,

  • 小程序全时全域自动化箱况检测+信息识别,

  • 在船公司进口仓库,堆场,出口仓库节点AI验箱+地点上报,

  • 好箱迅速利用套箱,提升空流转效率,集卡重去重回。

  • CIMCAI is the world's leading new generation container management smart ship company,

  • Full-time and whole-area automatic container condition damage detection+info identification,

  • Report at the shipping company's import warehouse, storage yard and export warehouse node AI container damage detection+location,

  • Good containers can be quickly used to improve the efficiency of empty circulation, and the trucks can  returned with goods.

  • CIMCAI成熟产品包括ceaspectusG™超级智能闸口,高精尖科技创新式闸口集装箱箱况残损识别检测。

  • 在港口码头/堆场,集卡进出闸过程中,自动感知集卡位置,即刻完成集装箱箱况残损检验/箱信息/集卡信息识别。

  • 箱况残损识别结果连同箱信息/集卡信息识别结果,实时上传港口码头/堆场系统,

  • 闸口自动化无人化,大大提高进出闸效率,降低拥堵。

  • CIMCAI mature products include ceaspectusG ™ Super intelligent gate, high-tech and innovative gate container damage identification and detection.

  • At the port terminal/storage yard, during the process of entering and leaving the gate, the position of the container will be automatically sensed, and the damage inspection of the container condition/container information/identification of the container information will be completed immediately.

  • The identification result of the damage of the container condition, together with the identification result of the container information/container information, is uploaded to the port terminal/yard system in real time,

  • The automatic and unmanned gate greatly improves the efficiency of gate access and reduces congestion.

  • CIMCAI超级智能理货产品ceaspectusT™全球首创在港口装卸船过程中完成箱况残损检验/箱信息/集卡信息识别。

  • 实现好坏箱在岸边卸船过程一步分流。实际生产环境箱号箱型识别率99.7%以上,残损检测率99%以上,

  • 误报率小于2.3%,高度实时性,50ms返回结果,信息校对匹配整理。不受天气影响,模块化快速集成,

  • 支持地面识别空中识别,摄像头需求少,完全基于视频流,无需触发装置。

  • CIMCAI super intelligent tally product ceaspectusT ™ It is the first time in the world to complete the inspection of container damage/container information/container information identification during port loading and unloading.

  • Realize one-step diversion of good and bad containers during unloading at the shore. In the actual production environment, the identification rate of container num and type is more than 99.7%, and the damage detection rate is more than 99%,

  • The false alarm rate is less than 2.3%, and it is highly real-time. The result is returned in 50ms, and the information is proofread and matched. It is not affected by the weather, and modular and rapid integration,

  • It supports ground recognition and air recognition, with less camera demand, and is completely based on video stream, without triggering device.

  • CIMCAI全球领先ceaspectusI™海关空箱查验产品,

  • 智能化记录海关验箱信息,球机箱内全角度高清晰度检测,

  • ceaspectusI™动态识别开箱动作,箱内货物检查跟踪人工智能。

  • CIMCAI is the world's leading ceaspectusI ™ Customs empty container inspection products,

  • Intelligent recording of customs inspection information, full angle and high definition detection in the ball case,

  • ceaspectusI ™ Dynamic identification of unpacking action, inspection and tracking of goods in the container .

  • 中国上海人工智能企业中集飞瞳CIMCAI,全球港航人工智能领军者企业,

  • 顶尖AI科技及工业级成熟人工智能产品,打造高效能智能化港口数字化航运码头数字化。

  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳已完成全球上亿次集装箱信息识别,完成全球超200万次集装箱人工智能箱况残损检验,

  • 生产环境运行超过700万小时。与全球顶尖船公司港口合作,

  • 产品已在全球各港区生产环境规模投产,产品识别率/准确率/实时性各指标在处于国际顶尖水平。

  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳全球集装箱人工智能领军者,全球规模最大,最领先集装箱人工智能供应商。

  • 更多内容请您访问中集飞瞳(上海)科技有限公司官网 www.cimcai.com

  • CIMCAI, a leading AI enterprise in Shanghai, China,

  • Top AI technology and industrial-level mature AI products, to create efficient and intelligent port digital shipping terminal digital.

  • CIMCAI CIMCAI has completed hundreds of millions of container information identification and more than 2 million damage inspections of container AI in the world,

  • The production environment runs more than 7 million hours. Cooperate with the ports of the world's top shipping companies,

  • The product has been put into production in the production environment of various ports in the world, and the product identification rate/accuracy rate/real-time performance indicators are at the top level in the world.

  • CIMCAI is the world's largest and leading container AI supplier.

  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.


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