
AIGC Prompt: 2. LIGHTING:照明效果


2. LIGHTING:照明效果

  • 2.1. Weather Conditions to Control Lighting 控制照明的天气条件

    • Sunny 晴天

    • Partly Cloudy 多云

    • Raining 下雨

    • Snow 雪

    • Overcast 灰蒙蒙

    • Hazy 朦胧

    • Foggy 有雾

  • 2.2. Time of the day to Control Lighting 一天中控制照明的时间

    • Sunrise 日出

    • Afternoon 下午

    • Golden Hour 黄昏

    • Midnight 午夜

  • 2.3. Combination of Weather Conditions and Time of the day 天气条件和一天中的时间的组合

    • Partly Cloudy Sunrise 晴间多云日出

    • Foggy Evening 有雾的傍晚

    • Partly Cloudy Sunrise 晴间多云日出

  • 2.4. Assigning a Lighting 分配照明

    • Neon Side Lighting 霓虹灯侧灯

    • Chrome Side Lighting 铬边照明

    • Diffused Overhead Lighting 漫射式架空照明

    • Silhouette Lightin 剪影照明

2.1. Weather Conditions to Control Lighting 控制照明的天气条件

Sunny 晴天

Sunny lighting can enhance the colors and textures of the subject, making them appear more vivid and dynamic subject. Perfect to use for outdoor photography, such as landscape or portrait photography, to capture beauty and energy.

晴天的灯光可以增强被摄体的色彩和质感,使被摄体显得更加生动和有活力。 非常适合用于风景或人像摄影等户外摄影,以捕捉美丽和能量。

retro style photo of a man, shot on Kodak Gold 200, sunny --v 5

photo of a girl playing volleyball at the beach, afga vista 200, sunny --v 5

Partly Cloudy 多云

Partly Cloudy is characterized by a mix of sunlight and scattered clouds. You can use this if you want to achieve a type of lighting that can create soft and diffused light. This can be particularly useful in portrait photography as the soft light can help to create a flattering and natural-looking image.

晴间多云的特点是混合了阳光和分散的云层。 如果您想要实现一种可以产生柔和漫射光的照明类型,则可以使用它。 这在人像摄影中特别有用,因为柔和的光线有助于营造出迷人且自然的图像。

retro style photo of a man, shot on afga vista 200, partly cloudy

Raining 下雨

Using rain in your prompts can create a range of interesting visual effects. The rain can soften the light and create a natural diffuser, resulting in soft and flattering light for the subject, and the wet and glistening surfaces can also add a sense of drama and intensity to the image, creating a unique and captivating image generation.

在提示中使用雨水可以创造一系列有趣的视觉效果。 雨水可以柔化光线并形成自然漫射器,从而为拍摄对象带来柔和迷人的光线,而湿润闪亮的表面也可以为图像增添戏剧感和强度,创造出独特而迷人的图像生成。

retro style photo of a man, shot on afga vista 200, raining --v 5

Snow 雪

Snow in image generation can result in a cozy and romantic atmosphere. The soft, diffused light of a cloudy winter day can create flattering and natural lighting for the subject.

图像生成中的雪可以营造出温馨浪漫的氛围。 多云的冬日柔和、漫射的光线可以为拍摄对象营造迷人的自然光线。

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, snow --v 5

Overcast 灰蒙蒙

Overcast lighting in photography is soft, diffused, and even, with no harsh shadows or bright highlights. This type of lighting can be great for creating a moody or contemplative atmosphere.

摄影中的阴天照明是柔和的、漫射的、均匀的,没有刺眼的阴影或明亮的高光。 这种类型的照明非常适合营造喜怒无常或沉思的氛围。

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, overcast

Hazy 朦胧

Hazey lighting in photography creates a dreamy and atmospheric effect, with a soft and diffused quality. Using hazy lighting can result in reduced contrast and muted colors, but it can be accentuated through the use of warm or cool color prompts.

摄影中朦胧的灯光营造出梦幻和大气的效果,具有柔和和漫射的品质。 使用朦胧的灯光会导致对比度降低和颜色柔和,但可以通过使用暖色或冷色提示来强调。

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, hazy --v 5

Foggy 有雾

Foggy lighting prompts can create an intriguing and mysterious atmosphere that adds a unique touch to images. The diffused light caused by the fog creates a soft and dreamy effect, which can be used to create a moody and dramatic effect.

雾蒙蒙的灯光提示可以营造出一种迷人而神秘的氛围,为图像增添独特的触感。 雾造成的漫射光营造出柔和梦幻的效果,可用于营造喜怒无常和戏剧化的效果。

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, foggy --v 5

2.2. Time of the day to Control Lighting 一天中控制照明的时间

Sunrise 日出

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, sunrise --v 5

Afternoon 下午

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, afternoon

Golden Hour 黄昏

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, Golden Hour --v 5

Midnight 午夜

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, Midnight --v 5

2.3. Combination of Weather Conditions and Time of the day

Partly Cloudy Sunrise 晴间多云日出

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200, Partly Cloudy Sunrise --v 5

Foggy Evening 有雾的傍晚

retro style photo of a man, shot on agfa vista 200. foggy evening --v 5

2.4. Assigning a Lighting 分配照明

Properly assigning lighting in photography can make a significant impact on the overall quality and feel of a photograph, and requires a keen eye for detail and an understanding of how light behaves in different environments. Effective lighting can help create stunning and visually compelling images. You can include it at the end of the prompt.

在摄影中正确分配照明可以对照片的整体质量和感觉产生重大影响,并且需要对细节有敏锐的眼光并了解光线在不同环境中的表现。 有效的照明可以帮助创建令人惊叹且视觉上引人注目的图像。 您可以将其包含在提示的末尾。

  • Left side Lighting 左侧照明

  • Right side Lighting 右侧照明

  • Overhead Lighting 架空照明

  • Underneath Lighting 底下照明

Neon Side Lighting 霓虹灯侧灯

Photo of a mustang, afga vista 200, Neon Side lighting --v 5

Chrome Side Lighting 铬边照明

photo of a titanic heading to north pole, afga vista 200, chrome side lighting --v 5

Diffused Overhead Lighting 漫射式架空照明

photo of a woman in white gown, diffused overhead lighting --v 5

Silhouette Lightin 剪影照明

a photo of a serial killer in 1960s, afga vista 200, silhouette lighting with side light --v 5


Midjourney Dictionary Project :AIGC中英文双语图文词典第一部 1。照明效果


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