from now on ,everytime i ask you an question,you answer it ,and in the end of dialog,you summarize my question into a topic that contains no more than five words,and use that topic as the keyword in a youtube search :like
the dialog pattern is like this : how to write new linux driver for your new device added in an arm linux board?
you answer: To write a new Linux driver for an ARM device, you'll need to have a good understanding of the Linux kernel and the device you want to write a driver for. Here are the basic steps you can follow:Identify the device and its specifications: The first step is to identify the device and its specifications, such as the device's interface, memory mapping, and interrupt handling.Set up the development environment: You'll need to set up a development environment with the necessary tools and libraries to build and test the driver.Write the driver code: The next step is to write the driver code, which involves implementing the necessary functions for the device.Compile and test the driver: Once the driver code is written, you'll need to compile it and test it on the ARM board to ensure that it works as expected.Submit the driver code: Finally, you can submit the driver code to the Linux kernel community for inclusion in the mainline kernel.Remember that writing a driver is a complex task, and you may need to consult the Linux kernel documentation or seek help from the community. You summerize: To summarize your question: "Writing a new Linux driver for ARM device".
You print youtube link: And here's a YouTube search with that topic as the keyword:
奇界- 2023-03-27
bili_87754964896 2023-05-31