Thispicture contains an IELTSwritingtask one prompt, please write a 200-word model response.
Thispicture is an IELTS writingtask one prompt, please write a 200-word model responseas per the following outline:
paragraph1: rewrite the prompt
paragraph2: an overview with two overall features starting with “Overall,“
paragraph3 and 4: details of key features
Theprovided table and pie charts present data on the police budget for aspecific region in Britain for the years 2017 and 2018, detailing theorigins of the funds and how they were spent.
Fromthe funding perspective, the National Government was the principalcontributor in both years, offering £175.5m in 2017 with aslight increase to £177.8m in 2018. Local Taxes, the secondmajor source, also saw an uptick from £91.2m in 2017 to £102.3min 2018. Meanwhile, funds from other channels like grants remainedrelatively constant, with £38m in 2017 and a marginallyincreased £38.5m in 2018. This resulted in the total policebudget growing from £304.7m in 2017 to £318.6m in 2018.
Regardingexpenditures, the majority of the budget was dedicated to salariesfor officers and staff in both years. However, this category saw adecrease from 75% in 2017 to 69% in 2018. Expenditure on technologytook 8% in 2017 and increased slightly to 14% in 2018. Meanwhile,funds allocated for buildings and transport remained consistent at17% for both years.
Tosummarize, the overall police budget increased from 2017 to 2018,with a shift in the allocation of funds from salaries to technology,while spending on buildings and transport remained steady.
Thediagram delineates the multifaceted process involved in manufacturingsugar from sugar cane. At the onset, the sugar cane undergoes agrowing phase, which extends for a considerable duration ofapproximately 12 to 18 months.
Followingthe growth phase, harvesting of the sugar cane takes place, wheremachinery and manual labour both seem to be employed. The harvestedcanes are then subjected to crushing, which helps in extracting thejuice from them. This juice, however, is not pure and requiresfurther refinement.
Inorder to achieve the desired purity, the juice undergoes a purifyingprocess, which incorporates a limestone filter to help eliminateunwanted impurities. Once purified, the juice is subjected toevaporation, wherein it transforms into syrup. This process isexpedited by applying heat.
Thesyrup, still in its semi-liquid state, is then directed to acentrifuge, a critical component in this manufacturing process. Here,sugar crystals are separated from the syrup. Following thisseparation, the resultant sugar is subjected to drying and coolingprocesses, ensuring it attains the crystalline, granulated formfamiliar to consumers.
Insummary, the transformation of sugar cane into granulated sugarentails a series of intricate steps, from growing to centrifuging,each crucial in ensuring the production of high-quality sugar.
Thediagram delineates the multifaceted process involved in manufacturingsugar from sugar cane. At the onset, the sugar cane undergoes agrowing phase, which extends for a considerable duration ofapproximately 12 to 18 months.
Followingthe growth phase, harvesting of the sugar cane takes place, wheremachinery and manual labour both seem to be employed. The harvestedcanes are then subjected to crushing, which helps in extracting thejuice from them. This juice, however, is not pure and requiresfurther refinement.
Inorder to achieve the desired purity, the juice undergoes a purifyingprocess, which incorporates a limestone filter to help eliminateunwanted impurities. Once purified, the juice is subjected toevaporation, wherein it transforms into syrup. This process isexpedited by applying heat.
Thesyrup, still in its semi-liquid state, is then directed to acentrifuge, a critical component in this manufacturing process. Here,sugar crystals are separated from the syrup. Following thisseparation, the resultant sugar is subjected to drying and coolingprocesses, ensuring it attains the crystalline, granulated formfamiliar to consumers.
Insummary, the transformation of sugar cane into granulated sugarentails a series of intricate steps, from growing to centrifuging,each crucial in ensuring the production of high-quality sugar.
Theprovided diagrams compare the layout of Grange Park in 1920 and itspresent-day structure. It is evident from the illustrations thatwhile the park has retained some of its original elements,significant transformations have been made to cater to modern needs.
In1920, Grange Park was characterized by multiple rose gardens, spreadout evenly across the park. Notably, a stage for musicians wascentrally located, adjacent to a fountain, highlighting the culturalimportance of live performances during that era. Additionally, thepark featured a pond specifically for water plants and a glasshouse.
Fastforward to today, some features have been retained, such as the rosegardens and seating arrangements. However, the stage for musicianshas been replaced by an amphitheatre for concerts, suggesting a shiftin how entertainment is consumed. The pond and glasshouse no longerexist, giving way to a modern café and a children's play area,emphasizing the evolving recreational needs. Another significantaddition is the entrance to an underground car park, indicatingincreased vehicular accessibility. The modern Grange Park alsofeatures a water feature, which could be a nod to the former pond butwith a contemporary twist.
Inconclusion, Grange Park has undergone considerable changes, adaptingits amenities to cater to modern recreational and entertainmentpreferences.
Inthe current configuration, immediately upon entering, passengersencounter the check-in counters. Adjacent to these counters is acafé. Post the check-in area, passengers proceed throughsecurity and passport control. Following these checkpoints, a walkwayguides passengers to eight distinct gates for boarding. The departurearea is on the left side, while the arrivals are designated on theright.
Uponredevelopment, the airport will undergo substantial changes to itsdesign. The total number of gates will increase from eight toeighteen. The check-in area will see the addition of a 'bag drop'facility. New amenities will be introduced, such as an ATM, a skytrain, and car hire services, offering enhanced convenience fortravelers. The post-check-in space will have a centralized shoppingarea, surrounded by the security and passport control sections oneither side.
Insummary, the intended redevelopment of the airport seeks to expandits capacity, provide additional services, and enhance the overallexperience for passengers.
Thegraph presents data on the incidence of X disease in Someland over adecade, from 1983 to 1992. The general trend reveals a fluctuation inthe number of cases, with some significant peaks and troughs.
Startingin 1983, the number of cases stood slightly above 50, and the countgrew moderately until 1987, where it approached 200 cases. Following1987, there was a dramatic surge in the cases, almost doubling,reaching its pinnacle in 1988 with around 375 cases.
However,post the 1988 peak, the numbers declined slightly in 1989, only tosurge again in 1990, reaching a record high of nearly 450 cases. Thisrepresents the most substantial yearly increase in the entire decade.
Nevertheless,after 1990, the incidence of X disease witnessed a sharp decline overthe subsequent two years. By 1992, the number of cases plummeted tobelow 100, marking a drastic reduction compared to the previousyears.
Insummary, while the incidence of X disease in Someland saw an overallincrease from 1983 to 1990, with 1990 being the most affected year,the final two years of the period showed a significant drop,returning the case numbers close to the levels seen at the beginningof the decade.
Thepie charts illustrate the primary reasons people opt to leave orremain in the UK. It is evident from the charts that factorsinfluencing these decisions vary significantly, with 'quality oflife' being the predominant reason for leaving, while'family/friends' stands out as the main reason for staying.
Consideringthe reasons to depart the UK, 'quality of life' is the mostsignificant at 37%, suggesting that a considerable portion ofindividuals seeks a better standard of living elsewhere. This isfollowed by 'financial reasons' at 24% and 'employment' at 18%,indicating economic motivations also play a crucial role. 'Weather'and 'family/friends' are the least cited reasons, at 12% and 9%respectively.
Incontrast, when examining reasons to stay in the UK, 'family/friends'emerges as the dominant factor at 43%, highlighting the value ofpersonal relationships in the decision to remain. 'Social life'accounts for 21%, emphasizing the cultural and recreational appeal ofthe UK. Both 'employment' and 'financial reasons' stand at 15%, while'language' is the least significant factor at 11%.
Insummary, while better quality of life and financial incentives pushpeople to leave the UK, the importance of familial and social tiespredominantly holds them back.