
GPT x MJ 梦幻联动玩法



场景:训练 GPT 提词器人设,生成 Midjourney 的绘图语句,实现 AI 联动绘图。

用 GTP 训练自己的 MJ 提词器进行施法,是一种便捷的出图手段,但是在没有精细化约束 prompt 语法的情况下,输出的咒语通常夹杂「噪音信息」,需要针对性修正后根据自己的目标来调整画面,以下是一个完整的使用实例:

本文使用了训练好的 GPT 人设,篇幅关系,不赘述训练过程,重点看拿到 prompt 之后怎么用。

🤖️ Step 1、GTP 提词:


GTP 提词


A magical floating city high above the clouds, with tall buildings that intertwine with vines and trees on the cliffs. The city is surrounded by an endless sea of clouds, occasionally flashing with lightning and showering rain. The sounds of children's voices and birdsong echo throughout the city, making it feel like a heavenly world. Photorealistic style, progressive composition, shot on 35mm, medium shot, warm colors, cinematic lighting, —ar 16:9

🎛️ Step 2、问题修正:

1.  occasionally flashing with lightning and showering rain:画面要素过多,去掉。

2.  The sounds of children's voices and birdsong echo throughout the city:无法形成画面,去掉,或留飞鸟。

3.  making it feel like a heavenly world:仅 heavenly 为有效词汇,用更明确的 rising light (圣光)来塑造这种环境氛围。


A magical floating city high above the clouds, with tall buildings that intertwine with vines and trees on the cliffs, the city is surrounded by an endless sea of clouds, cinematic lighting, rising light, progressive composition, 35mm, medium shot, warm colors, photorealistic, —ar 16:9

🎨 Step 3、注入想法:


1.  用 anime style 替换 cinematic lighting 和 photorealistic,因为后两者写实;

2.  视野调整为开阔的 expansive view;

3.  去掉可能出现的电线和路人 --no powerlines human;

4.  加个美感 buff——esthetic;


Anime style, a magical floating city high above the clouds, with tall buildings that intertwine with vines and trees on the cliffs, the city is surrounded by an endless sea of clouds, warm colors, rising light, progressive composition, expansive view, esthetic —ar 16:9 --no powerlines human

MJ 跑图:




1.  加点瀑布,强化视觉落差和力量感——waterfall;

2.  补充轮廓光强化氛围和体积感——rim light;

3.  画面有点腻,把暖色调整为舒适软光—— cozy light;





例 1: 将视角扭到鸟瞰透视 aerial perspective:

例 2: 加移轴 tilt-shift 营造小人国的观感:

例 3: 写实等轴微缩模型 isometric diorama landscape:

🎉 享受创造的乐趣:

更多时候,可以利用 GPT 善于联想和补充细节的优势来放大画面的观赏性,不照搬它提供的参考。

或者...确实想偷懒(打脸),现在就可以开始使用 GPT 驯养一个优秀的永动机小助理。

Have fun.

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