


The fallout from the weirdness at OpenAI
Sam Altman is set to return, but the episode holds some disturbing lessons

OpenAI 宫斗余波

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FIVE VERY weird days passed before it seemed that Sam Altman would stay at OpenAI after all.
非常诡异的5天过去了,山姆·奥特曼似乎最终还是会留在 OpenAI公司。

On November 17th the board of the maker of ChatGPT suddenly booted out its chief executive.
11 月 17 日,ChatGPT 母公司董事会突然解雇了首席执行官。

On the 19th it looked as if Mr Altman would move to Microsoft, OpenAI’s largest investor.
19 日,奥特曼似乎要去OpenAI 最大的投资方微软工作。

But employees at the startup rose up in revolt, with almost all of them, including one of the board’s original conspirators, threatening to leave were Mr Altman not reinstated.

Between frantic meetings, the top brass tweeted heart emojis and fond messages to each other. By the 21st, things had come full circle .

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All this seems stranger still considering that these shenanigans were taking place at the world’s hottest startup, which had been expected to reach a valuation of nearly $90bn.
考虑到这些诡异事件发生在全球最炙手可热的初创公司里,而且该公司的估值预计将达到近 900 亿美元,所有这一切都显得更加诡异。

In part, the weirdness is a sign of just how quickly the relatively young technology of generative artificial intelligence has been catapulted to glory.

But it also holds deeper and more disturbing lessons.

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One is the sheer power of AI talent.

As the employees threatened to quit, the message “OpenAI is nothing without its people” rang out on social media.
当员工威胁要离职时,“没有人才,OpenAI 就什么都不是”的信息在社交媒体上广为流传。

Ever since ChatGPT’S launch a year ago, demand for AI brains has been white-hot.

As chaos reigned, both Microsoft and other tech firms stood ready to welcome disgruntled staff with open arms.

That gave both Mr Altman and OpenAI’s programmers huge bargaining power and fatally undermined the board’s attempts to exert control.
这给了奥特曼和 OpenAI 的程序员们巨大的议价能力,并给了试图抢夺控制权的董事会致命的一击。

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The episode also shines a light on the unusual structure of OpenAI.

It was founded in 2015 as a non-profit research lab aimed at safely developing artificial general intelligence (AGI), which can equal or surpass humans in all types of thinking.
OpenAI公司成立于 2015 年,是一家非营利性研究实验室,旨在安全开发人工通用智能 (AGI),这种人工智能可以在各种思维方面与人类匹敌甚至超过人类。

But it soon became clear that this would require vast amounts of expensive processing power, if it were possible at all.

To pay for it, a profit-making subsidiary was set up to sell AI tools, such as ChatGPT. And Microsoft invested $13bn in return for a 49% stake.
为了支付这笔费用,OpenAI成立了一家盈利子公司来销售AI 工具,例如 ChatGPT。微软投资了 130 亿美元,获得了 49% 的股份。

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On paper, the power remained with the non-profit’s board, whose aim is to ensure that AGI benefits everyone, and whose responsibility is accordingly not to shareholders but to “humanity”.
从理论上讲,权力仍掌握在非营利性的董事会手中,董事会的目标是确保 AGI 能造福所有人,因此董事会不是对股东负责而是对 "全人类 "负责。

That illusion was shattered as the employees demanded Mr Altman’s return, and as the prospect loomed of a rival firm housed within profit-maximising Microsoft.

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The chief lesson is the folly of solely relying on corporate structures to police technology.

As the potential of generative AI became clear, the contradictions in OpenAI’s structure were exposed.

A single outfit cannot strike the best balance between advancing AI, attracting talent and investment, assessing AI’s threats and keeping humanity safe.

Conflicts of interest in Silicon Valley are hardly rare. Even if the people at OpenAI were as brilliant as they think they are, the task would be beyond them.
硅谷的利益冲突并不罕见。即使 OpenAI 的员工真如他们自认为的那样才华横溢,他们也无法完成这项任务。

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Much about the board’s motives in sacking Mr Altman remains unknown.

Even if the directors did genuinely have humanity’s interest at heart, they risked seeing investors and employees flock to another firm that would charge ahead with the technology regardless.

Nor is it entirely clear what qualifies a handful of private citizens to represent the interests of Earth’s remaining 7.9bn inhabitants.
我们也不完全清楚,少数几个普通公民有什么资格代表地球上其余 79 亿人口的利益。

As part of Mr Altman’s return, a new board is being appointed. It will include Larry Summers, a prominent economist; an executive from Microsoft will probably join him, as may Mr Altman.

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Board senseless

Yet personnel changes are not enough: the firm’s structure should also be overhauled.

Fortunately, in America there is a body that has a much more convincing claim to represent the common interest: the government.

By drafting regulation, it can set the boundaries within which companies like OpenAI must operate.
通过起草法规,政府可以为 OpenAI 这样的公司设定运营边界。

And, as a flurry of activity in the past month shows, politicians are watching AI. That is just as well.

The technology is too important to be left to the whims of corporate plotters.

原文出自:2023年11月25日《The Economist》Leaders版


本文翻译整理: Irene

本文编辑校对: Irene

人工通用智能(Artificial General Intelligence)也称为通用人工智能(General Artificial Intelligence)或超级人工智能(Super Artificial Intelligence),它是一种可以执行复杂任务的人工智能,能够完全模仿人类智能的行为,能够执行任何人类智能活动的计算机系统。AG可以被认为是人工智能的更高层次,它可以实现自我学习、自我改进、自我调整,进而解决任何问题而不需要人为干预。通用人工智能的研究目标是寻求统一的理论框架来解释各种智能现象,并研发具有高效的学习和泛化能力、能够根据所处的复杂动态环境自主产生并完成任务的通用人工智能体,使其具备自主的感知、认知、决策、学习、执行和社会协作等能力,且符合人类情感、伦理与道德观念。

One is the sheer power of AI talent.

A single outfit cannot strike the best balance between advancing AI, attracting talent and investment, assessing AI’s threats and keeping humanity safe.

Yet personnel changes are not enough: the firm’s structure should also be overhauled.


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