
Port AI shipping artificial intelligence leader CIMCAI container

  • 中国上海人工智能企业CIMCA全球第一家完成250万次AI自动验箱,

  • 智能化航运船公司港口数字化海关智能化铁路场站堆场减人降本增效。

  • 全球集装箱贸易中,快速箱况检验及集装箱信息录入对集装箱作业速度至关重要。

  • CIMCAI作为全球集装箱人工智能应用规模最大/范围最广供应商,

  • 全球率先大规模人工智能全自动化箱况残损检验/箱信息识别检测,

  • 自动化集装箱信息检测录入,为企业打造可复制/可推广的自动化智能化方案。

  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the first company in the world to complete 2.5 million times of AI automatic inspection,

  • Intelligent shipping companies, ports, digital customs, intelligent railway yards and yards reduce personnel, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  • In the global container trade, rapid container condition inspection and container information entry are crucial to the speed of container operation.

  • CIMCAI, as the largest/widest supplier of container AI applications in the world,

  • The world takes the lead in large-scale AI fully automated container condition damage inspection/container information identification detection,

  • Automated container information detection and entry, creating a replicable/scalable automated and intelligent solution for enterprises.

  • CIMCAI人工智能箱况残损检验技术是全球唯一成熟,

  • 大规模投入实际生产环境应用的智能验箱方案。

  • 中集飞瞳CIMCAI智能验箱已应用在全球集装箱运输多方面:船公司手机视频验箱箱管控,

  • 闸口进出自动化验箱,港口岸边理货自动化验箱,铁路场站装/卸自动化验箱。

  • CIMCAI已完成全球超两百万次AI自动化箱况残损检验,已完成全球上亿次集装箱信息识别,

  • 产品在全球生产环境运行总时长超700万个小时,成熟人工智能产品全球应用落地。

  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence container damage inspection technology is the only mature technology in the world,

  • Intelligent container inspection scheme for large-scale application in actual production environment.

  • CIMCAI intelligent container inspection has been applied in many aspects of global container transportation: mobile phone video container inspection control of shipping companies,

  • The automatic test container at the entrance and exit of the gate, the automatic test container for tally at the port and the automatic test container for loading/unloading at the railway station.

  • CIMCAI has completed more than two million AI automated container damage inspections worldwide, and has completed more than one hundred million container information identification worldwide,

  • The total operation time of the product in the global production environment is more than 7 million hours, and the mature AI products have been applied globally.

  • CIMCAI全球首创智慧船公司产品ceaspectusS™,手机拍摄视频验箱,

  • 助力船公司智能化集装箱管控。在进口仓库卸货后实现集装箱箱况检验/好坏箱区分,好箱迅速利用。

  • 进出口仓库手机拍摄视频验箱,好箱快速利用套箱,

  • 人工智能校验过滤堆场上传坏箱照片与损坏项目是否匹配,

  • 堆场闸口固定摄像头+手机拍摄箱内自动验箱,出估价单。

  • CIMCAI全球领先的超级智能闸口产品ceaspectusG™,独树一帜实现闸口集装箱箱况残损识别检测。

  • 在港口码头/堆场,集卡进出闸过程中,即刻完成集装箱箱况残损检验/箱信息/集卡信息识别检测。

  • 实际生产环境箱号箱型识别率99.95%以上,残损检测率99%以上,误报率小于2.3%。

  • 箱号,箱型集装箱信息各面独立识别,集卡信息,

  • 集装箱危险品标志,作业号,铅封,净重识别,

  • 集卡单双箱,空车重车,大小箱,小箱前中后箱位,车号识别,

  • 自动完成抬杆开闸,无需人工操作,无人智能闸口,

  • 屏幕显示,语言播报,打印小票。

  • CIMCAI's world's leading super intelligent gate product ceaspectusG ™, It is unique in realizing the identification and detection of the damaged condition of the container at the gate.

  • In the process of entrance and exit of the container at the port/yard, the inspection of the damage of the container condition/the identification and detection of the container information/the information of the container should be completed immediately.

  • In the actual production environment, the identification rate of container number and type is more than 99.95%, the damage detection rate is more than 99%, and the false alarm rate is less than 2.3%.

  • container number and type, independent identification of each side of container, container info,

  • Container dangerous goods mark, operation number, lead seal, net weight identification,

  • Single and double container, empty and loaded vehicles, large and small containers, front, middle and rear positions of small containers, vehicle number identification,

  • Automatic completion of lever lifting and opening without manual operation, unmanned intelligent gate,

  • Screen display, language broadcast and printing of small ticket.

  • CIMCAI超级智能理货产品ceaspectusT™全球首创在港口装卸船过程中完成箱况残损检验/箱信息/集卡信息识别,

  • 实现好坏箱在岸边卸船过程一步分流,

  • 实际生产环境箱号箱型识别率99.7%以上,残损检测率99%以上,误报率小于2.3%,

  • 高度实时性,50ms返回结果,

  • 信息校对匹配整理,不受天气影响,

  • 模块化快速集成,完全基于视频流,无需触发装置,

  • 支持地面识别空中识别,摄像头需求少。

  • CIMCAI's world's leading super intelligent gate product ceaspectusG ™, It is unique in realizing the identification and detection of the damaged condition of the container at the gate.

  • In the process of entrance and exit of the container at the port/yard, the inspection of the damage of the container condition/the identification and detection of the container information/the information of the container should be completed immediately.

  • In the actual production environment, the identification rate of container number and container type is more than 99.95%, the damage detection rate is more than 99%, and the false alarm rate is less than 2.3%.

  • Container dangerous goods mark, operation number, lead seal, net weight identification,

  • Single and double container, empty and loaded vehicles, large and small containers, front, middle and rear positions of small containers, vehicle number identification,

  • Automatic completion of lever lifting and opening without manual operation, unmanned intelligent gate,

  • Screen display, language broadcast and printing of small ticket.

  • CIMCAI集装箱铁路智能化产品ceaspectusR™创新式记录管理所有铁路场站装/卸集装箱信息及箱况。

  • 列车行驶过程中识别检测集装箱箱号箱型等基础信息,

  • 列车行驶过程中识别检测箱况残损,

  • 智能化记录管理所有铁路中心站装/卸集装箱,高效管理场站作业。

  • CIMCAI container railway intelligent product ceaspectusR ™ Innovative record management of container loading/unloading information and container status at all railway stations.

  • Basic information such as identification and detection of container number and type during train operation,

  • Identify the damage of the detection container  during the running of the train,

  • Intelligent record management for loading/unloading containers at all railway central stations, and efficient management of station operations.

  • 中国上海人工智能企业CIMCA全球第一家完成250万次AI自动验箱,

  • 智能化航运船公司港口数字化海关智能化铁路场站堆场减人降本增效。

  • 全球集装箱贸易中,快速箱况检验及集装箱信息录入对集装箱作业速度至关重要。

  • CIMCAI作为全球集装箱人工智能应用规模最大/范围最广供应商,

  • 全球率先大规模人工智能全自动化箱况残损检验/箱信息识别检测,

  • 自动化集装箱信息检测录入,为企业打造可复制/可推广的自动化智能化方案。

  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the first company in the world to complete 2.5 million times of AI automatic inspection,

  • Intelligent shipping companies, ports, digital customs, intelligent railway yards and yards reduce personnel, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  • In the global container trade, rapid container condition inspection and container information entry are crucial to the speed of container operation.

  • CIMCAI, as the largest/widest supplier of container AI applications in the world,

  • The world takes the lead in large-scale AI fully automated container condition damage inspection/container information identification detection,

  • Automated container information detection and entry, creating a replicable/scalable automated and intelligent solution for enterprises.

  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.


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