

  • 中国人工智能公司CIMCAI世界港航AI领军企业,自动化港口数字化码头,

  • 智能闸口各箱面箱况残缺检测视频流动态感知,智能化港口码头数字化。

  • CIMCAI已完成全球250万人工智能集装箱箱况检验,完成全球上亿集装箱信息,

  • 先进产品在全球各港区及集装箱枢纽生产环境投产,产品在全球生产环境总运行时间超过700万+小时。

  • 世界人工智能领军者CIMCAI全球顶尖集装箱人工智能产品,打造国际航运港口人工智能标杆,

  • 领跑全球集装箱人工智能/港口航运人工智能应用落地。

  • CIMCAI全球领先的成熟港口人工智能闸口ceaspectusG全球领先科技识别率99.95%以上,集卡不停车全自动化进出闸。

  • China's artificial intelligence company CIMCAI is a leading enterprise in the world of port and waterway AI, and an automated digital port terminal,

  • Dynamic perception of video streams for detecting the condition of each container surface at intelligent gates, and digitization of intelligent ports and terminals.

  • CIMCAI has completed the inspection of 2.5 million artificial intelligence container containers worldwide, and completed information on billions of containers worldwide,

  • Advanced products have been put into production in various port areas and container hubs worldwide, with a total operating time of over 7 million hours in global production environments.

  • CIMCI, the world leader in artificial intelligence, is one of the world's top container artificial intelligence products, creating a benchmark for artificial intelligence in international shipping ports,

  • Leading the global implementation of container AI/port shipping AI applications.

  • CIMCAI's globally leading mature port artificial intelligence gate ceaspectusG™, has a global leading technology recognition rate of over 99.95%, and fully automated entry and exit gates without stopping.

  • CIMCAI打造ceaspectusG™超级闸口产品,全球顶尖AI闸口集装箱箱况残损识别检测。

  • 在港口码头/堆场,集卡进出闸过程中,即刻完成集装箱箱况残损检验/箱信息/集卡信息识别检测。

  • 实际生产环境箱号箱型识别率99.95%以上,残损检测率99%以上,误报率小于2.3%,

  • 箱号,箱型集装箱信息各面独立识别,集卡信息,集装箱危险品标志,作业号,铅封,

  • 净重识别,集卡单双箱,空车重车,大小箱,小箱前中后箱位,车号识别,

  • 自动完成抬杆开闸,无需人工操作,屏幕显示,语言播报,打印小票。

  • CIMCAI creates ceaspectusG™ Super gate products, the world's top AI gate container condition damage identification and detection.

  • At the port/yard, during the process of entering and exiting the gate, immediately complete the inspection of container damage/identification of container information/container information.

  • The actual production environment achieved container number and type recognition rate of over 99.95%, a damage detection rate of over 99%, and a false alarm rate of less than 2.3%,

  • Container number, container information, container card information, container dangerous goods mark, operation number, lead seal,

  • Net weight identification, single and double container for container trucks, empty and heavy vehicles, large and small containers, front, middle, and rear compartments for small containers, vehicle number identification,

  • Automatically complete pole lifting and gate opening without manual operation, screen display, language broadcasting, and printing of small tickets.

  • ceaspectusG™超级闸口产品,全自动化识别检测集装箱箱况残损包括:各箱面变形BT,破损BR,破裂CK,锈洞CO等。

  • ceaspectusG™全自动化识别检测集装箱信息包括:箱号箱型/重量标识/危标有无/铅封有无/单双箱。

  • ceaspectusG™全自动化识别检测集卡信息包括:车头车牌/半挂车车牌/作业号/空重车/小箱位置。

  • ceaspectusG™完成对箱信息/箱况残损/集卡信息识别后,以API接口形式识别结果实时返回港口TOS/堆场系统。

  • ceaspectusG ™ Super gate products, fully automated identification and detection of container damage, including: deformation BT on each container surface, damage BR, fracture CK, rust hole CO, etc.

  • ceaspectusG ™ Fully automated identification and detection of container information includes: container number, type, weight identification, hazardous label, lead seal, single or double container .

  • ceaspectusG ™ The fully automated identification and detection of truck information includes: front license plate/semi trailer license plate/job number/empty and loaded vehicle/small container position.

  • ceaspectusG ™ After completing the identification of container information/damage/container information, the identification results will be returned in real-time to the port TOS/yard system in the form of API interface.

  • ceaspectusG™超级闸口产品,全球领先集装箱人工智能,助力进出闸智能化/自动化,

  • 大大提高进出闸效率,降低拥堵,集卡不停车全自动化进出闸。

  • 助力港口码头实现无人智能化闸口,助力堆场实现一站式进出闸,智能化无人化提箱放箱。

  • ceaspectusG ™ Super gate products, leading global container artificial intelligence, assist in intelligent/automated entry and exit gates,

  • Greatly improve the efficiency of entry and exit gates, reduce congestion, and fully automate the entry and exit gates without stopping the truck.

  • Assist the port and dock in achieving unmanned and intelligent gates, assist the yard in achieving one-stop entry and exit gates, and achieve intelligent and unmanned container loading and unloading.

  • 中国人工智能公司CIMCAI世界港航AI领军企业,自动化港口数字化码头,

  • 智能闸口各箱面箱况残缺检测视频流动态感知,智能化港口码头数字化。

  • CIMCAI已完成全球250万人工智能集装箱箱况检验,完成全球上亿集装箱信息,

  • 先进产品在全球各港区及集装箱枢纽生产环境投产,产品在全球生产环境总运行时间超过700万+小时。

  • 世界人工智能领军者CIMCAI全球顶尖集装箱人工智能产品,打造国际航运港口人工智能标杆,

  • 领跑全球集装箱人工智能/港口航运人工智能应用落地。

  • CIMCAI全球领先的成熟港口人工智能闸口ceaspectusG全球领先科技识别率99.95%以上,集卡不停车全自动化进出闸。

  • 更多内容请您访问中集飞瞳(上海)科技有限公司官网 www.cimcai.com

  • China's artificial intelligence company CIMCAI is a leading enterprise in the world of port and waterway AI, and an automated digital port terminal,

  • Dynamic perception of video streams for detecting the condition of each container surface at intelligent gates, and digitization of intelligent ports and terminals.

  • CIMCAI has completed the inspection of 2.5 million artificial intelligence container containers worldwide, and completed information on billions of containers worldwide,

  • Advanced products have been put into production in various port areas and container hubs worldwide, with a total operating time of over 7 million hours in global production environments.

  • CIMCI, the world leader in artificial intelligence, is one of the world's top container artificial intelligence products, creating a benchmark for artificial intelligence in international shipping ports,

  • Leading the global implementation of container AI/port shipping AI applications.

  • CIMCAI's globally leading mature port artificial intelligence gate ceaspectusG™, has a global leading technology recognition rate of over 99.95%, and fully automated entry and exit gates without stopping.

  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.


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