
CIMCAI Mature AI product operate for over 7 million hours intell

  • 上海人工智能企业CIMCAI世界第一完成两百万次AI验箱上亿次箱识别,

  • 成熟AI产品运行超7百万小时智慧港航智能化上海人工智能企业。

  • 高度成熟AI产品智能化航运智能铁路货运智能港区口岸海关,

  • 全球集装箱AI领军企业CIMCAI,贯彻人工智能与实体经济深度融合战略。

  • CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的集装箱人工智能高科技企业。

  • 全球集装箱AI领军企业CIMCAI,是全球全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,

  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。

  • 全球集装箱AI领军企业CIMCAI,CIMCAI ENGINE集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,

  • 工业级成熟集装箱人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,

  • 全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • CIMCAI Shanghai artificial intelligence enterprise, is the world's first to complete two million AI box inspections and hundreds of millions of box identifications,

  • Mature AI products operate for over 7 million hours, intelligent harbor and shipping, intelligent Shanghai artificial intelligence enterprises.

  • Highly mature AI products, intelligent shipping, intelligent railway freight, intelligent port area, port customs,

  • CIMCAI, the leading global container AI company, implements the strategy of deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy.

  • CIMCAI is the world's most widely applied, largest, and most advanced container AI high-tech enterprise.

  • CIMCAI, the leading global container AI enterprise, is the world's first to complete two million artificial intelligence container inspections,

  • AI enterprises that identify hundreds of millions of boxes of information and have a cumulative production environment running for over 7 million hours.

  • CIMCAI, a leading global container AI company, provides container detection cloud services to over 4000 enterprise users worldwide,

  • Industrialized and mature container AI products have been launched and applied on a global scale,

  • The world's top three shipping companies and port and terminal applications have landed.

  • 全球集装箱AI领军企业CIMCAI,贯彻聚焦人工智能与实体经济深度融合战略,

  • 工业级AI产品及全球顶尖核心技术打造超一流智能港航方案。

  • CIMCAI工业级成熟集装箱AI产品在全球投产落地,包括全球港口码头闸口智能化,

  • 全球港区岸边卸/装船智能化,全球港区内堆场智能化,港区安全生产,全球航运船公司智能化,

  • 全球铁路站场/中心站智能化,智能堆场/无人堆场,智慧海关智能化,智能箱厂智慧箱厂,智能多式联运。

  • CIMCAI, a global container AI leader, implements a strategy of focusing on the deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy,

  • Industrial grade AI products and the world's top core technology create super first-class intelligent port and shipping solutions.

  • CIMCAI's industrially mature container AI products have been put into production and landed globally, including the intellectualization of global port and dock gates,

  • Intelligent shore unloading/loading in global port areas, intelligent storage yards in global port areas, safe production in port areas, intelligent global shipping companies,

  • Intelligent global railway stations/central stations, intelligent storage yards/unmanned storage yards, intelligent customs, intelligent container factories, intelligent container factories, and intelligent multimodal transportation.

  • 全球集装箱AI领军企业CIMCAI,工业级港航AI产品高度成熟,

  • 生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。

  • 产品完全基于摄像头视频流,动态感知集卡/集装箱位置+轨迹完成识别检测,

  • 识别以集卡/集装箱做为一个整体,集装箱多面融合/整车AI识别检测。

  • CIMCAI工业级港航AI产品顶尖集装箱人工智能AI科技

  • 多维度识别检测识别箱信息包括铅封/危标/单双箱空/小箱位/重量标识/作业号,

  • 检测箱况包括变形BT/破损BR/破裂CK/锈洞CO等,

  • 同时包括包括箱况残损代码/位置/大小,AI出估价单。

  • CIMCAI, the leading global container AI company, has highly mature industrial grade port and shipping AI products,

  • AI enterprises with a cumulative production environment running for more than 7 million hours.

  • The product is completely based on camera video streams, and dynamically perceives the location and trajectory of the truck/container to complete identification and detection,

  • The identification takes the truck/container as a whole, and the container multi-surface fusion/vehicle AI identification detection.

  • CIMCAI Industrial Grade Port and Channel AI Products Top Container AI Technology

  • The multi-dimensional identification, detection, and identification box information includes lead seal/hazardous label/single and double empty boxes/small container spaces/weight identification/job number,

  • The inspection box conditions include deformation BT/damage BR/crack CK/rust hole CO, etc,

  • It also includes the damage code/location/size of the box, and AI issued an estimate.

  • 上海人工智能企业CIMCAI世界第一完成两百万次AI验箱上亿次箱识别,

  • 成熟AI产品运行超7百万小时智慧港航智能化上海人工智能企业。

  • 高度成熟AI产品智能化航运智能铁路货运智能港区口岸海关,

  • 全球集装箱AI领军企业CIMCAI,贯彻人工智能与实体经济深度融合战略。

  • CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的集装箱人工智能高科技企业。

  • 全球集装箱AI领军企业CIMCAI,是全球全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,

  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。

  • 全球集装箱AI领军企业CIMCAI,CIMCAI ENGINE集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,

  • 工业级成熟集装箱人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,

  • 全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。

  • CIMCAI Shanghai artificial intelligence enterprise, is the world's first to complete two million AI box inspections and hundreds of millions of box identifications,

  • Mature AI products operate for over 7 million hours, intelligent harbor and shipping, intelligent Shanghai artificial intelligence enterprises.

  • Highly mature AI products, intelligent shipping, intelligent railway freight, intelligent port area, port customs,

  • CIMCAI, the leading global container AI company, implements the strategy of deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy.

  • CIMCAI is the world's most widely applied, largest, and most advanced container AI high-tech enterprise.

  • CIMCAI, the leading global container AI enterprise, is the world's first to complete two million artificial intelligence container inspections,

  • AI enterprises that identify hundreds of millions of boxes of information and have a cumulative production environment running for over 7 million hours.

  • CIMCAI, a leading global container AI company, provides container detection cloud services to over 4000 enterprise users worldwide,

  • Industrialized and mature container AI products have been launched and applied on a global scale,

  • The world's top three shipping companies and port and terminal applications have landed.


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