
Free container number identify, smart port and intelligent port

  • 集装箱箱号免费集装箱信息识别免费,飞瞳引擎AI集装箱识别云服务智慧港航智能化港航,全球4千企业用户,

  • 小程序拍照识别或API集成二次开发,可应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路场站船公司堆场,

  • 实现云端集装箱信息识别/集装箱箱况残损检测/好坏箱检验。

  • CIMCAI是全球应用范围领先,AI核心科技领先的集装箱人工智能/港航人工智能领军者企业,

  • CIMCAI已完成全球超250万次AI自动化箱况残损检验,已完成全球上亿次集装箱信息识别,

  • 产品在全球生产环境运行总时长超700万个小时,成熟人工智能产品全球应用落地。

  • The container number recognition API is free, CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise, CIMCAI ENGINE™ Container identification cloud service 4000 enterprise users,

  • Small program photo recognition or API integration secondary development can be applied to the wharf, port, customs warehouse, port, railway station, shipping company and yard,

  • Realize cloud container information identification/container condition damage detection/good and bad container inspection.

  • CIMCAI is a leading enterprise of container AI/port AI with the world's leading application range and AI core technology,

  • CIMCAI has completed more than 2.5 million times of damage inspection of AI automated containers worldwide, and has completed more than 100 million times of container information identification worldwide,

  • The total operation time of the product in the global production environment is more than 7 million hours, and the mature AI products have been applied globally.

  • 集装箱识别云服务飞瞳引擎™,可通过PI二次开发或小程序直接使用。

  • 微信小程序搜索:飞瞳引擎,进入小程序,选择照片集装箱信息识别按钮,

  • 选择要识别的集装箱图片,测试飞瞳引擎™照片集装箱信息识别。

  • 飞瞳引擎™集装箱人工智能API集装箱信息识别演示,实时返回识别结果,识别率99.98%以上。

  • Container identification cloud service CIMCAI ENGINE™, It can be directly used through secondary development of PI or small programs.

  • WeChat applet search: CIMCAI ENGINE, enter the applet, select the photo container information identification button,

  • Select the container image to be identified and test  CIMCAI ENGINE™ Photo container information identification.

  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ The container AI API container information recognition demonstration can return the recognition results in real time, and the recognition rate is more than 99.98%.

  • 集装箱识别云服务飞瞳引擎™,集装箱信息识别及铅封号识别API免费,

  • 可通过小程序手机拍照识别检测,或通过飞瞳引擎™API接口二次开发,全球超4千企业用户使用,

  • 可二次开发应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路场站船公司堆场,实现云端集装箱信息识别/集装箱箱况残损检测/好坏箱检验,

  • 高检测率/高实时性/高泛化性/高鲁棒性。开发文档您可以访问CIMCAI官网。

  • Container identification cloud service CIMCAI ENGINE™, Container information identification and lead seal number identification API are free of charge,

  • It can be identified and detected by taking photos on the mobile phone of the applet, or further development of API interface,

  • It can be re-developed and applied to the terminal, port, customs warehouse, port, railway station, shipping company and yard to realize the cloud container information identification/container damage detection/good and bad container inspection,

  • High detection rate/high real-time/high generalization/high robustness. You can visit CIMCAI official website for development documents.

  • 集装箱箱号识别API免费,中国人工智能企业CIMCAI飞瞳引擎™集装箱识别云服务4千企业用户,

  • 小程序拍照识别或API集成二次开发,可应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路场站船公司堆场,

  • 实现云端集装箱信息识别/集装箱箱况残损检测/好坏箱检验。

  • CIMCAI是全球应用范围领先,AI核心科技领先的集装箱人工智能/港航人工智能领军者企业,

  • CIMCAI已完成全球超250万次AI自动化箱况残损检验,已完成全球上亿次集装箱信息识别,

  • 产品在全球生产环境运行总时长超700万个小时,成熟人工智能产品全球应用落地。

  • The container number recognition API is free, CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise, CIMCAI ENGINE™ Container identification cloud service 4000 enterprise users,

  • Small program photo recognition or API integration secondary development can be applied to the wharf, port, customs warehouse, port, railway station, shipping company and yard,

  • Realize cloud container information identification/container condition damage detection/good and bad container inspection.

  • CIMCAI is a leading enterprise of container AI/port AI with the world's leading application range and AI core technology,

  • CIMCAI has completed more than 2.5 million times of damage inspection of AI automated containers worldwide, and has completed more than 100 million times of container information identification worldwide,

  • The total operation time of the product in the global production environment is more than 7 million hours, and the mature AI products have been applied globally.

  • 全球港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能领军者,上海人工智能企业CIMCAI,

  • 是全球第一家完成250万次人工智能验箱自动化箱况残损检测,上亿次集装箱识别,

  • 生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的人工智能企业,智慧港航智能化全球港航。

  • 不同于实验室,CIMCAI真正地将港航人工智能产品做到工业级高度成熟稳定,

  • 先进人工智能产品在全球规模化落地应用。全球港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能领军者CIMCAI,

  • 智能港航产品在港航实际生产环境达到高性能表现:高检测率/零误判率/高泛化性/高鲁棒性/自适应稀疏样本持续学习,

  • 工业级产品识别率/准确率/实时性各性能指标处于国际顶尖水平,

  • 全球领先高算力集群技术优化加快AI推理速度,CIMCAI人工智能AI产品高度成熟稳定到达工业级。

  • 更多内容请您访问中集飞瞳(上海)科技有限公司官网 www.cimcai.com

  • CIMCAI global leader in artificial intelligence for ports and shipping/container,

  • It is the first company in the world to complete 2.5 million times of artificial intelligence automatic container inspection and damage detection, and hundreds of millions of container identification,

  • Artificial intelligence enterprises whose production environment has run for more than 7 million hours in total, and smart ports and shipping are intelligent global ports and shipping.

  • Unlike the laboratory, CIMCAI has truly made the artificial intelligence products of the port and shipping industry highly mature and stable,

  • Advanced AI products have been applied on a global scale. CIMCAI the global leader of artificial intelligence for ports and shipping/container,

  • Intelligent port and shipping products have achieved high performance in the actual production environment of port and shipping: high detection rate/zero misjudgment rate/high generalization/high robustness/adaptive sparse sample continuous learning,

  • The identification rate/accuracy rate/real-time performance indicators of industrial products are at the top level in the world,

  • The global leading high computing power cluster technology optimization accelerates AI reasoning speed, and CIMCAI AI products are highly mature and stable to reach industrial level.

  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.


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