头图由豆包生成,提示词 :太阳系、八大行星,宇宙星空+区域重绘

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实验一 蛋白质构建模拟器
User Interaction:
Provide a dropdown menu containing the 20 standard amino acids, displaying their full names, three-letter codes, and one-letter symbols.
Include buttons to Add Amino Acid to the chain, Remove Last Amino Acid, and Reset Chain.
Visual Representation:
Start with the most basic amino acid, Glycine, displayed by default.
Represent each amino acid as a uniquely colored helix and display their one-letter symbols below.
Visually connect amino acids with lines or bonds to represent peptide bonds as the chain grows horizontally.
Information Display:
As amino acids are added, display their names and basic information (properties, uses) below the simulation.
If the amino acid sequence matches a known protein or peptide, display detailed information including its name, description, and popular uses.
For sequences not matching known proteins, display the amino acid sequence and general information about peptides, indicating it may represent a novel or synthetic peptide.
实验二 太阳系运转
Adjustable Parameters:
Include sliders (drag bars) below the simulation to adjust the following for each planet and the Sun: Mass Radius Adjusting the mass of the Sun should affect the orbital speeds of the planets. Adjusting a planet’s mass and radius should change its representation in the simulation (size and possibly color), but its own mass doesn’t significantly affect its orbit due to the Sun’s dominant mass.
Visual Enhancements:
All planets and the Sun must be clearly labeled in the simulation with white text for visibility against the space background. The orbits of the planets should be displayed as paths around the Sun. When a parameter is adjusted, the corresponding planet (or Sun) should be highlighted in the simulation for a brief period (e.g., with a red rectangle) to indicate which celestial body was changed.
User Interface:
The text in front of each slider should be in black for readability. The controls should be organized in clear rows in a table, following the order of the planets in the solar system For each celestial body, the format should be: Name of the planet or Sun Mass slider Radius slider