



人工智能程序远没有真正的婴儿可爱。但它和婴儿一样,通过看到物体和听到单词学会了第一批单词。研究人员在 2 月 2 日的Science上报告说,人工智能模型在观看了几十个小时的婴儿探索世界的视频后,经常能将单词--球、猫和汽车等--与它们的图像联系起来。研究小组表示,人工智能的这一壮举为人类学习单词的神秘方式提供了一个新的窗口。(Credit: Science News;Date: 12 Feb 2024)


How do babies learn words? An AI experiment may hold clues

An artificial intelligence model learned words from audio and video of a baby

The AI program was way less cute than a real baby. But like a baby, it learned its first words by seeing objects and hearing words. After being fed dozens of hours of video of a growing tot exploring his world, an artificial intelligence model could more often than not associate words — ball, cat and car, among others — with their images, researchers report in the Feb. 2 Science. This AI feat, the team says, offers a new window into the mysterious ways that humans learn words. (Credit: Science News;Date: 12 Feb 2024)

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