


【阅前提醒】本篇专栏的外语部分出自苏格兰经学家理雅各所译著的『The Chinese Classics』(“中国经典”)系列。理雅各先生出生于1815年(清嘉庆二十年),一生致力于中西方文化的交流,其最重要的成果就是详尽译释了种花家诸多经典。但由于理雅各先生的本职是传教士,故其紧抓“释经权”的职业习惯就自然融入到了译作之中,其往往翻译一段后就会用数倍的篇幅去注释译文。这种翻译方式可谓是直抓要害——经义传播的关键不是译经而是释经。也因此导致理雅各的译作卷帙浩繁,故目前人们常常删去释经只取译文。但我感觉理雅各英译的释经部分才是译作本体,直接丢弃实在是有些买椟还珠了。遂计划用业余时间对理雅各的译作原文进行整理上传。另,理雅各译作中,早期在华的翻译创作著成“中国经典”系列;后期回国的翻译创作则大多收录于“东方圣书”系列;本篇所取的诗经理雅各译文出自““中国经典”卷四。

一、小雅·鹿鸣之什·天保PARTⅡ.BOOKⅠ.ODE Ⅵ.T'een paou









In the T'een paou the ministers gratefully respond to their sovereign. When the ruler condescends to those beneath him, and thereby gives the finish to his government, they are prepared to express their admiration in return to him.



Heaven shields and sets thee fast.

It round thee fair has cast

Thy virtue pure.

Thus richest joy is thine;-

Increase of corn and wine,

And every gift divine,



Heaven shields and sets thee fast.

From it thou goodness hast;

Right are thy ways.

Its choicest gifts'twill pour,

That last for evermore,

Nor time exhaust the store

Through endless days.


Heaven shields and sets thee fast,

Makes thine endeavour last,

And prosper well.

Like hills and mountains high,

Whose masses touch the sky;

Like stream aye surging by;

Thine increase swell !


With rite and auspice fair,

Thine offerings thou dost bear,

And son-like give,

The seasons round from spring,

To olden duke and king,

Whose words to thee we bring:-

“For ever live.”


The Spirits of thy dead

Pour blessings on thy head,


Thy subjects,simple,good,

Enjoy their drink and food.

Our tribes of every blood

Follow thy feet.


Like moons that wax in light;

Or suns that scale the height;

Or ageless hill;

Nor change,nor autumn know;

As pine and cypress grow;

The sons that from thee fow

Be lasting still !



Heaven protects and establishes thee,

With the greatest security;

Makes thee entirely virtuous,

That thou mayest enjoy every happiness;

Grants thee much increase,

So that thou hast all in abundance.


Heaven protects and establishes thee;

It grants thee all excellence,

So that thine every matter is right,

And thou receivest every heavenly favour.

It sends down to thee long-during happiness,

Which the days are not sufficient to enjoy.


Heaven protects and establishes thee,

So that in every thing thou dost prosper,

Like the high hills,and the mountain masses,

Like the topmost ridges,and the greatest bulks;

That,as the stream ever coming on,

Such is thine increase.


With happy auspices and purifications, thou bringest the offerings,

And dost filially present them;

In spring, summer, autumn, and winter,

To the dukes and former kings,

Who say,'We give to thee

Myriads of years of duration unlimited.'


The spirits come

And confer on thee many blessings.

The people are simple and honest,

Daily enjoying their meat and drink.

All the black-haired race, in all their surnames,

Universally practise your virtue.


Like the moon advancing to the full,

Like the sun ascending the heavens,

Like the age of the southern hills,

Never waning,never falling,

Like the luxuriance of the fir and the cypress;—

May such be thy succeeding line!


Ode 6.Narrative.





【01】爾,'thee',refers to the King.



【02】In 1.2,亦 and 之 are both particles,which we cannot translate.


【03】It is difficult to determine whether to translate 保定 in the imperative  or the indicative; but I conclude to adopt the latter mood.The ode is mainly one of praise; even stt.4 and 5 must be translated in the indicative; and it is not till the last line that the imperative is more natural.


【04】單=盡,'entirely'; Maou defines it by 信,'sincerely'.



【05】厚 'generous','faithful','honest',is here best given by 'virtuous'.



【06】何福不除,-'what happiness is not taken away?' taken away, that is, to be replaced by greater.



【07】多益,-'much increase'';-of every good,we may suppose,in himself and his kingdom.






【02】罄 also=盡,'entirely'. 宜 refers to all the king's doings as right.


【03】百祿,'the hundred emoluments'=all prosperities,all favours.



【山译】“遐”是远的意思,可翻译为distant或long-during  。


【01】興, 'to rise', 'to flourish'. I do not see why Choo should explain it here by 盛, 'abundant'.



【02】Ll.3 and 4 should be connected with 1 and 2. 山 and 岡 give us the idea of the height of the hills;阜 and 陵 of their mass. It is said, 'Land high and great is called 阜; when those dimensions are very large, 陵.


【03】Ll.5 and 6 go together.如川之方至,-'like the now coming to as of a river'; giving the idea of the ever-continued progress and increase of the stream.



【01】吉蠲(=潔),-'lucky and purified'. The former term refers to the action of the king in choosing the day for the sacrifices,and the officers to assist in them; the latter to the bathings, fasting, and vigils, preparatory to them.

【山译】“蠲”是洁的意思,因此“吉蠲”可翻译成lucky and purified  。进一步来说,“吉”是君主在优秀臣子的帮助下挑选祭祀的吉时。“蠲”是君臣进行沐浴,禁食,守夜等活动,以准备祭祀事宜。


【02】饎,-'the spirits,and other articles of oblation'. 為饎,-'you make, get ready, the oblations'.


【03】享=獻,-'to offer'. This is done 'filially,' because the service referred to was to the king's ancestors at the several seasons, in the ancestral temple.



【04】In the Chung-yung,ch.XVIII.,we are told how the duke of Chow carried up the title of king to his grandfather and great grandfather, and appointed the sacrifices for all the earlier duke of the House of Chow. These are the 公 and 先王 of l.4. 




【05】The same personages are the 君,or 'rulers',in l.4; and卜爾,云云 gives their answer expressed through their personator (尸),or,as we should say, the medium, in the service.With reference to this passage, the dict.defines 卜 by 予,and 賜,'to give'.The promise in l.6 is, of course, to the king's line, more that to himself.

【山译】“君曰”中的“君”即统治者,指的就是“于公先王”中的“先王”。“卜尔,万寿无疆”是指先王以扮演神明的尸体为媒介,在君主祭祀后给出的答案和祝福。字典定义“卜”是“予”和“赐”的意思,参考这一段,可以理解为to give给予的意思。所以,“卜尔,万寿无疆”这个预言当然说的是君主而不是先王自己。




【01】之,in ll.1 and 3, is the expletive. 


【02】By 神 is meant the king's ancestors, now existing as 'spirits'. 


【03】弔=至 'to come';i.e., they are present, though unseen, in the temple.



 【04】詒=遺,'to give'.質=實,'sincere', 'honest'.Maou explains it by 成, meaning that 'the affairs of the people are peacefully settled.




【05】L.5 is a denomination of all the people. Choo explains the terms as in the translation; but the old interpreters take both 羣 and 黎 as=衆, and by 百姓 they understand the heads of clans, who alone had surnames in those days. I will not say that their exegesis is not the better of the two.





【01】恆 (read kang,in the 3d tone) denotes the moon in her second quarter, going on to be full. 



【山注】“恆 ”通“緪”,〖《说文解字》——緪,大索也,一曰急也〗又〖《九歌》王逸注:絙,急张弦也〗,如此则可将“恆”解释为“弦”。

【02】騫=虧, 'to fall', 'to become defective'. The first half of l.4 refers to the waning and decline of the sun and moon; the second to slips of the hill.


【03】'The luxuriance of the pine and the cypress' is seen in the constant renewal of their leaves; and they are specified, rather than other trees, as being well known and evergreens.承=繼, 'to continue', 'to succeed to'.或='some'.-'May there always be those who shall succeed to you!'




The rhymes are-in st.1,固,除,庶,cat.5,t.1:in2, 穀,祿,足, cat.3, t.3:in3, 興,陵,增,cat.1, t.6:in4, 享*,嘗,王,疆,cat.10:in5,福*,食,德, cat.1, t.3:in6, 恆,升,崩,承, cat.6; 壽,茂*, cat.3,t.2.

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