



        On 30 June 1941, all matters pertaining to the conduct of the war were centralised in a newly constituted body called the Gosudarstvenney Komitet Oborony or State Defence Committee (GKO) under the direct command of Stalin.1941年6月30日,所有与战争有关的事务都被集中在了一个新成立的机构,即由斯大林直接指挥的Государственный Комитет Обороны苏联国防委员会(GKO)It assumed absolute control and authority over the state, the Communist Party, the military and the Soviet populace.它对国家、党、军队和民众拥有绝对的控制权和权威。This body in turn ordered the creation of new people's commissariats that were to oversee specific areas of production in all areas of the economy as part of transformation to service the needs of the war.该机构又下令成立新的人民委员会,负责监督所有经济领域的特定生产领域,作为满足战争需要的转型的一部分。All extant plans were suspended and replaced by others already prepared for such an eventuality.所有现有的计划都被暂停,取而代之的是其他已经为这种可能性做好准备的计划。On 4 July, the chairman of Gosplan (the State Planning Commission), Nicholas Vosnesensky (Nikolai Alekseevich Voznesensky), was tasked by the GKO with putting together a far-reaching, detalled plan for what was to become a 'second line of industrial defence' to be created in the east by organising a coherent productive combination between the industries already existing in the east and those to be transplanted there'.7月4日,国家计划委员会(Gosplan)主席尼古拉·阿列克谢耶维奇·沃兹涅先斯基受中央政府的委托,制定了一项影响深远的详细计划,旨在通过组织东部现有工业和即将移植到东部的工业之间的连贯而高效的联合生产,在东部建立“第二道工业防线”。
        Such was the bureaucratic backdrop to the massive programme instigated for the transplantation of hundreds of industrial concerns vital to the ability of the Soviet Union to continue the war.这就是为移植数百个对苏联继续战争的能力至关重要的工业企业而发起的大规模计划的官僚背景。A speclally created Evacuation Council was to organise the dismantling and entrainment of ail moveable property before they could be captured by the advancing German forces.一个特别成立的疏散委员会负责组织拆除和带走所有可移动的财产,以防它们被前进的德国军队占领。The corollary to the evacuation had been set down in a directive of 29 June, in which Stalin demanded that where this could not be carried out, everything was to be destroyed - the famous 'scorched earth' pollcy in which the invader was to find nothing that could be of service to his war effort.撤离的必然结果在6月29日的一项指令中已经确定,斯大林要求摧毁在无法实施撤离的地方的一切——这就是著名的“焦土”政策,即我不希望敌人捡起我的工厂可以直接用侵略者找不到任何可能对其的战争有帮助的东西。Between July and November 1941, and in accordance with the schedule set down by the Evacuation Council, 1,523 industrial enterprises were transported eastwards, of which 1,360 were armaments works.1941年7至11月间,根据疏散委员会制定的时间表,共将1523个工业企业向东转移,其中1360个是军工厂。Of these 226 were moved to the Volga area, 667 to the Urals, 244 to western Siberia, 78 to eastern Siberia and 308 to Kazakhstan and Central Asia.当中226个迁往伏尔加河地区,667个迁往乌拉尔山脉,244个迁往西伯利亚西部,78个迁往西伯利亚东部,308人迁往哈萨克斯坦等中亚地区。
        The first enterprise involved with aspects of T-34 production was the Mariupol armoured plate mill which had already produced turrsts for the T-34(M), the managernent being given its marching orders as early as 2 July.第一个涉及T-34生产方面的企业是曾经为T-34M生产过炮塔的马里乌波尔的装甲钢板厂(推测为马里乌波尔冶金厂),其管理层早在7月2日就收到了转移命令。As the major plant for the production of armour plate, its security was absolutely vital.作为装甲生产的主要工厂,其安全至关重要。However, the primary production centre for the T-34 at Kharkov did not get its instruction to evacuate until over two months later when Zavod No. 183 manager Yu. E. Maksarev (Yuri Evgenievich Maksarev) received State decision No. 667/GKO to do so on 12 September.然而,位于哈尔科夫的T-34主要生产中心183厂厂长尤·叶夫根尼耶维奇·马克萨廖夫到两个多月后的9月12日收到GKO的第667号国家决定后才接到撤离的指示。It must be assumed that the issue of this order had been left so late in order to maximise production of the T-34 on this site to the very last possible moment.只能假设,这个命令被推迟了这么晚是为了在这里最大限度地生产T-34直至最后一刻。Just seven days elapsed between Maksarev curtalling production and ordering that all machine tools, spare parts, incomplete tanks, industrial workers and their families, the staft of the Design Bureau and all technical documentation pertaining to the T-34 be made ready to move, with the first train departing on 19 September.马克萨廖夫下令停止生产到准备好所有机床、备件、未完成的坦克、工业工人及其家属、设计局工作人员和与T-34有关的所有技术文件仅用了七天时间,而第一列火车于9月19日出发。Over the next month, with NKVD guards overseelng the process, a further 40 trains were loaded up with each making its slow, snaking journey eastward beyond the Urals.在接下来的一个月里,在内务人民委员部的监督下,又有40多列火车装车,缓慢而蜿蜒地向东行驶,越过乌拉尔山脉。The very last one pulled out of Kharkov just two days before troops of the German 6th Army began battling Soviet 21st and 38th Armies on the western outskirts of the city.最后一趟从哈尔科夫撤出的仅仅两天后,德国第6集团军在城市西郊与苏联第21和第38集团军的战斗便打响了。
        The chosen destination for the relocation of KhPZ Zavod No. 183 was Nizhne Tagil in the Sverdlovsk Oblast, where it was to be merged with the already existing Uralvagonzavod (Ural Railcar faotory) Plant, named after Felix Dzerzhinsky (Felix Edmondovich Dzerzhinsky), the founder of the CHEKA.KhPZ 第183厂搬迁的目的地是斯维尔德洛夫斯克州的下塔吉尔,在那里它将与现有的Уралвагонзавод乌拉尔捷尔任斯基车辆制造厂合并,该工厂以契卡的创始人费利克斯·埃德蒙多维奇·捷尔任斯基命名(我相信英语原文读者会因为原文中UVZ的名字与捷尔任斯基没有半毛钱关系感到困惑,不过翻译成中文后莫名其妙就解决了这个问题。但UVZ后写的英文翻译Ural Railcar faotory乌拉尔机车车辆厂似乎其实是另一家工厂?愈加看不懂作者在写什么)Also already on site was the Marlupol Ilyich works that had been evacuated the previous July.在那里的还有先前七月已完成疏散的马里乌波尔伊里奇钢铁(也就是马里乌波尔冶金厂)The new incarnation was renamed the Stalin Ural Tank Plant No. 183 and known by the abbroviation UVZ UTZ No. 183.被重新命名为斯大林乌拉尔第183坦克厂,缩写为UVZ UTZ 第183厂In its new and its much enlarged form it would become the biggest producer of T-34s in the USSR.在其新的大大扩大的形制下,它成为了苏联最大的T-34生产者。By 1945, UVZ had produced 28,952 of the 58,681 T-34s produced between the very end of 1941 and 1945.到1945年,183厂生产了在1941年底至1945年间生产的58681辆T-34中的28952辆。Retention of the Plant 183 designation signified that it was still the ceritre for T-34 GKB - the main T-34 Design Bureau.保留183的名称表明它仍然是T-34的主要设计局T-34 GKB的中心。Indeed, within the plant the numbering of the many shops and departments were as they had been in Kharkov, with Morozov remaining as head of the design team.事实上,在工厂内,许多小型制造厂和部门的编号与在哈尔科夫时一样,莫罗佐夫也仍然是设计团队的负责人。Although Morozov and his design bureau returned to Kharkov in 1944, the UVZ retained the 183 number.虽然莫罗佐夫和他的设计局在1944年回到了哈尔科夫,但乌拉尔保留了183的编号(莫洛佐夫那队在哈尔科夫重建了一个新的75厂)
        It took some three months for the factory to be fully relocated and for production to begin at the new site.工厂花了大约三个月的时间来完全搬迁并在新址开始生产。In common with many other industries that had been evacuated, the new factory had to be created with limited materlals, in many cases on virgin sites, with human muscle and bone employing hand-held tools to dig foundations, with people working day and night.与许多其他被疏散的工业一样,新工厂的建造材料相当有限,在许多情况下是在荒芜的地点由人力夜以继日地建造出来的

The scene of their work being lit by arc lamps or electric bulbs suspended from trees.他们工作的场景由吊在树上的弧光灯或电灯泡照亮。......Even before the roof had been completed, the machine tools were already functioning.甚至在屋顶完工之前,机床就已经开始工作了。Even when the thermometer went down to forty degrees below zero [this being the worst winter Russia had suffered for over 50 years], people continued to work.即使温度降至零下40度[这是俄罗斯50多年来最寒冷的冬天],人们仍在继续工作。

        Notwithstanding the appalling conditions the workers at Plant 183 'were able to assemble their first twenty-five T-34 tanks, which were promptly sent to the front'.尽管条件恶劣,183工厂的工人们还是“成功组装了首批25辆T-34坦克,并迅速送往前线”(183厂与1941年12月生产的这首批25辆T-34主要使用撤离时从哈尔科夫带来的零件组装,随后183厂才开始真正生产T-34)UVZ was also responsible for the development of the T-43 and the T-44.183厂还负责了T-43和T-44的开发。
        In the hiatus caused by the removal of Plant 183 to Nizhne Tagll, T-34 production continued on just two sites, but at a very much reduced rate.在183工厂搬迁到下塔吉尔所造成的中断中,T-34的生产在两个地点继续进行,但速度大大降低。
        The STZ in Stalingrad produced just 1,250 in 1941 and the other site, at Zavod No. 112 - the Krasnoe Sormovo (Gorki Shipyards - Red Sormovo) faotory at Gorki, a mere 161 with the first of these being assembled by parts evacuated from the Kharkov plant in September.1941年,斯大林格勒的STZ仅生产了1250辆,另一个工厂第112厂,即高尔基的Красный Сормово工厂(高尔基造船厂——红索尔莫沃)仅生产了161辆,其中第一辆是用9月份从哈尔科夫工厂撤离的零件组装的。Zavod No. 112 had been ordered to begin production of the T-34 on 1 July 1941, and though it had been planned to produce a much larger number by the end of 1941, this proved impossible.112厂被命令在1941年7月1日开始生产T-34,虽然它计划在1941年底生产更多的T-34,但这被证明是不可能的。The first few produced were delivered to the Moscow Front In November.首批生产的几辆于11月交付到了莫斯科前线。Nonetheless, the period in which Plant 183 was non-productive marked the nadir in T-34 availability; the relatively small number emerging from STZ and Krasnoe Sormovo could in no way cover the demand for the machine from the Red Army.尽管如此,183厂停产的那段时期标志着T-34可用数量的最低点;从STZ和112厂生产出来的相对较少的数量根本无法满足红军对坦克的需求。
        In addition to the UTZ, the STZ and Zavod No. 112 a further three factories were employed from mid-1942 in constructing the T-34.除了183厂STZ112厂之外,还有另外三家工厂从1942年中期开始被用于生产T-34。It was the threat of the loss of T-34 production from the Stalingrad plant that prompted this move.促成这一举动的是斯大林格勒工厂所面临的丧失T-34生产能力的威胁(该厂于1942年末被德军攻占)
        The first of these was the ChKZ - the Chelyabinsk Kirovsky Zavod (Chelyabinsk Kirov Factory), Zavod No. 100.其中第一家是ChKZ——Челябинский Кировский Завод(车里雅宾斯克基洛夫工厂),第100厂This factory was originally producing the KV-1 and KV-8 flame-throwing heavy tanks.这家工厂最初是生产KV-1和KV-8喷火重型坦克的。The plant was ordered to tool-up for T-34 production in July 1942.1942年7月,工厂被命令为T-34的生产做好准备。This was completed in just 33 days with the first T-34 rolling off the line on 22 August.这在33天内完成,而第一辆T-34在8月22日下线。It continued with production of the T-34/76 and was the last plant to manufacture this variant until early 1944, by which time it had produced 5,076 examples of the model.它持续生产T-34/76直至1944年初,是最后一家生产这种型号的工厂,在那时它已经生产了5076辆T-34/76。
        The second was UZTM - the Uralsky Zavod Tyashelovo Mashinostroitelnya 'URALMASH' or the Ural Works for Heavy Machine Building at Sverdlovsk.第二个是UZTM——Уларский Завод Тяшелово Машиноstroitelnya “URALMASH”位于斯维尔德洛夫斯克的乌拉尔重型机械制造厂。Ordered to tool-up for production of the T-34 in July 1942, the first 15 vehicles were completed in September.1942年7月,该厂接到命令准备生产T-34,第一批15辆9月完成。Some 267 were built in total for 1942 and a further 452 in the following year.其于1942年共生产了大概267辆,次年又生产了452辆。Production of the T-34 was curtailed in favour of UZTM becoming the sole venue for the production of the SU self-propelled gun series - that is, the SU-122, the SU-85 and the SU-100.其后T-34的生产被削减,因为UZTM成为了SU系列自行火炮——SU-122、SU-85和SU-100——唯一的生产基地。
        The third plant to be converted to T-34 production in 1942 was the Zavod No. 174 imeni 'K.E Voroshilov' at Omsk in western Siberia.第三家于1942年转产T-34的工厂是位于西西伯利亚鄂木斯克的“克利缅特·叶夫列莫维奇·伏罗希洛夫”第174厂Production of the T-34/76 and T-34/85 amounted to 5,867 by 1945.到1945年,T-34/76和T-34/85的总产量达到了5867辆。
        Each factory was at the nexus of a web of suppliers.每家工厂都处于一个供应网络的中心。As many of the sub-contractors for T-34 parts had not been evacuated, 1942 had seen the establishment of alternative suppliers and supplies to enable the T-34 to be built.由于 T-34部件的许多分包商没有撤离,1942年建立了替代的供应商和供给以使T-34得以生产。As explained elsewhere in the book, this resulted perforce in a massive rationalisation of the number of parts and also of the materials used in the construction of each tank.正如本书其他地方所解释的那样,这必然导致每个坦克的零件数量和所用材料的优化。By way of a simplistic example, the diagram below illustrates how the Krasnoe Sormovo plant in Gorki was supplied by feeder Zavods with elements of the T-34 which were then combined at the plant to create the finished tank.以一个简单的例子为例,下方图表说明了位于高尔基的红色索尔莫沃工厂是如何由供应商提供T-34零部件,然后在工厂进行总装以制造成品坦克的。


This map illustrates the evacuation of the major tank factories in the late summer/autumn of 1941 from their sites in western Russia to safer locations to the east of the Ural mountains.这张地图展示了1941年夏末/秋季主要坦克厂苏联西部疏散到乌拉尔山脉东部更安全的地方的情况。


May 1942 saw the launch of the disastrous Kharkov offensive by the Red Army.1942年5月,红军发动了灾难性的哈尔科夫攻势。Carefully husbanded T-34s were committed to a badly preparod operation to recapture the USSR's fourth largest city.小心积攒的T-34坦克被投入了一场希冀夺回苏联第四大城市的准备不足的行动。A complete misreading of enemy strength In the area led to the defeat of the offensive by the end of May with the loss of many hundreds of T-34s and other tanks.对该地区敌军兵力的完全误判导致进攻在5月底失败,数百辆T-34和其他坦克损失。

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