
外星植入物科学家发现“生物材料内部有集成电路” alien implants


生物材料内部有集成电路 纳米线 你可以在针尖上安装数千个这样的纳米机器人芯片 外星人植入人类体内以追踪我们 外星人已经对人类基因进行了 300 多万年的实验,所以他们在我们体内植入了植入物来追踪他们的实验。

bio materials had integrated circuits inside them

nano wires

you can fit thousands of these nano robot chips on the tip of a needle

aliens implant humans to track us

aliens have been experimenting with human genetics for over 3 million years now, so they put implants inside us to track their experiments.


scientist forensic report said

"these nano sized bio materials had integrated circuits inside them"

他们发现了生物传感器芯片植入物,其中装有集成电路 外星人植入物

they found biosensors chips implants with integrated circuits

alien implants

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