
GFG 149 Beautiful cities - I


 There are n cities in a Geekland. 

Each city is given some beautifulness by the king. 

Cities with di erent beautifulness don't like to trade with each other. 

You are given with q queries each consisting of two integers u and v.

You need to tell if all the cities from u to v (both inclusive) can trade with every other city from u to v. 

Example 1:Input:n = 8 beautifulness = {2,2,2,2,1,1,1,3}q = 5queries = {{1,4},{2,5},{5,7},{1,8},{6,6}} 


Explanation:All the cities from 1 to 4 have a beautifulness of 2 therefore any city can trade with any other city.

So the answer for the  rst query is 1.City 5 does not trade with city 2,3 and 4. So the answer for the second query is 0. 

Similarly, for other queries. 

Example 2:Input:n = 6 beautifulness = {2,1,6,5,3,4}q = 4queries = {{1,2},{2,5},{5,6},{6,6}} Output:{0,0,0,1}


None of the queries except the last one has all cities which can trade with each other.




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